Jenna Barganski
Jenna Barganski is a graduate student in history and public history at Portland State University. She is the current graduate research assistant for The Oregon Encyclopedia. Jenna specializes in Pacific Northwest history, specifically women's history in the nineteenth century.
Author's Entries
The City of Condon, the county seat of Gilliam County, is located in north-central Oregon about seventy miles southeast of The Dalles. Miles of rolling wheat fields surround this small 0.83 square-mile farming and ranching community. The town was the county’s primary shipping center for livestock, wheat, and barley …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Gold Beach
The City of Gold Beach sits just south of the Rogue River, about forty miles north of the California state line. The section of coastline received its name after placer miners discovered gold in the sands near the mouth of the Rogue River in 1852. The town, initially named …
Oregon Encyclopedia
The town of Moro, the county seat of Sherman County, is located about eighteen miles south of Biggs Junction on the Columbia River. It is the smallest county seat in Oregon, with a total land area of less than half of a square mile and a population that has …
Oregon Encyclopedia
The City of Orenco, known as the Garden Spot of the Willamette Valley, is located in the Tualatin Basin, west of Portland. Canadian immigrants Malcolm McDonald and Archibald McGill established Orenco as a company town in 1908 and named it for the Oregon Nursery Company (Ore-N-Co). The company, …
Oregon Encyclopedia
The City of Vale is about twelve miles west of the Oregon-Idaho state line along the Malheur River at the confluence of Bully Creek. French-Canadian trappers, who likely gave the settlement its name, built the first known cabin in the area in the early nineteenth century along the banks of …
Oregon Encyclopedia