Susan Hammer

Susan Hammer was an Oregon attorney and mediator. Her association with Sidney Lezak began in 1974 when she was a summer law clerk in the U.S. Attorney’s office. Lezak became an important mentor and friend. She was the author of “A Tribute to Sid Lezak: Oregon’s Johnny Appleseed of Dispute Resolution” (OSB Bulletin, June 2006) and “Reflections on Sid Lezak,” the U.S. District Court of Oregon Historical Society, June 10, 2006. Susan Hammer passed away in August 2020.

Author's Entries

  • Sidney I. Lezak (1924–2006)

    Sidney I. Lezak was Oregon’s longest-serving U.S. Attorney, holding the position for twenty-one years, under five presidents. He also was known as the “Godfather of Mediation” for his work in alternative dispute resolution in Oregon and served as a mentor to many. He was affable, gregarious, and motivated by a …

    Oregon Encyclopedia