David Hedges
David Hedges, a native Oregonian whose great-grandparents crossed the Plains in 1850 and 1852, is a poet, essayist, and activist. He served as president of the Oregon State Poetry Association for six years and has edited OSPA's annual anthology, Verseweavers, since 1999. He has been a board member of the Oregon Cultural Heritage Commission since 1988. He received the Stewart H. Holbrook Literary Legacy Award in 2003 for contributions to the state's literary life. In 1997 he was instrumental in preventing development of Canemah Bluff, above Willamette Falls. Currently he is leading an effort to restore Celilo Falls.
Author's Entries
Canemah, once the bustling terminus of navigation on the upper Willamette River, is located on the river’s east bank just above Willamette Falls. The name is Chinookan for “the canoe place,” descriptive of the sandy beach and natural harbor that attracted thousands of Native Americans, over many millennia, …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Walter Alan Curtis (1941–2023)
Walt Curtis was an Oregon writer, painter, and literary activist and—in the mold of his idol Walt Whitman—a poet unfettered by convention. As an independent historian, he showcased Oregon poets and writers of the past, bringing many out of obscurity, and delved into Pacific Northwest Indigenous cultures and mythologies. As …
Oregon Encyclopedia