Our entries are written by experts in their subjects. They are meticulously researched and fact-checked. Over 600 contributors from around the state have given their knowledge, expertise, and their voices to this one-of-a-kind public history site.
- Camila Gabaldon
- Barbara Gaines
- Shawna Gandy
- Amin Gangji
- Ellen Ganley
- Marshall Gannett
- Linda Ganzini
- Jenny Gapp
- Jerry Garcia
- Monica Garcia
- Mary Gardiner
- Rita Gardner
- Lee Garrett
- William Garrick
- Tim Alan Garrison
- Sean Garvey
- Alison Gash
- Allison Geary
- Max G. Geier
- Tim Gibbons
- Karen Gibson
- Martha Gies
- E.W. Giesecke
- Laura Jane Gifford
- Robert Gill
- Tim Gillespie
- Elias Gilman
- Katy Giombolini
- Melanie Gisler
- Steven Gisler
- Amanda J. Gladics
- Carole Glauber
- Sue Glen
- Molly Gloss
- Diane Goeres-Gardner
- Jamie Goldberg
- Ron Goodwin
- Greg Gordon
- Samantha Gordon
- Lauren Goss
- Lynette Gottlieb
- Janice Gould
- Kourtney Goya
- Randy Gragg
- Timothy Graham
- Lynn Grannan
- Anjuli Grantham
- John Jack Grauer
- Louise McKinley Gray
- Virginia Green
- Thomas G. Greene
- Paul Gregorio
- Steve Greif
- Sarah Griffith
- Karen Grove
- Terrill Grubbs
- Bruce Guenther
- Eva Guggemos
- Gunnar Gundersen
- Cheryl Gunselman