Our entries are written by experts in their subjects. They are meticulously researched and fact-checked. Over 600 contributors from around the state have given their knowledge, expertise, and their voices to this one-of-a-kind public history site.
- Kaylyn F. Mabey
- Ian MacMillan
- Ryan Madden
- Ted Mahar
- Barbara Mahoney
- Tim Mahoney
- Mary K. Maley
- McKelvey Mandigo-Stoba
- Kimberley Mangun
- Danielle L. Mann
- Sue Manning
- Nina Manno
- Christopher Mansayon (Molalla)
- Ginny Mapes
- Jeff Mapes
- Tanya March
- Joy Margheim
- Judy Margles
- Stephen R. Mark
- Susan Marmaduke
- Emma Marris
- Katherine Marsh
- Kevin Marsh
- Tom Marsh
- RJ Marx
- James Masnov
- Maryann Mason
- Will Matsuda
- Zoƫ Maughan
- Heike Mayer
- Tom McAllister
- Mike McArthur
- Scott McArthur
- Merritt McCall
- Jason McClaughry
- Thomas McClellan
- Jessie McClendon
- Dan McClure
- Larry McClure
- Rick McClure
- Tiffany McCormack
- Linda McCormick
- Tom McCoy
- Theresa McCracken
- Sean McEnroe
- Cayla McGrail
- Alex McGregor
- Michael N. McGregor
- Kathleen M. McHugh
- Bruce McIntyre Watson
- Floyd J. McKay
- Mary McKay
- Christopher McKnight Nichols
- Catherine McNeur
- Steve McQuiddy
- James McQuillen
- Michael Megelsh
- Peter Meijer
- Robert Melbo
- Robert Mercer
- Paul Merchant
- Sam Mertz
- Zechariah Meunier
- Carol Michael
- David Milholland
- Gary Miller
- Gary Miller
- Geneva Miller
- Kathryn Miller
- Marli Miller
- Merle Miller
- Darrell Millner
- Kristen Minor
- Sarah Mirk
- Brian Miyagishima
- Ronald Mize
- Nancy Moller
- William "Mort" Mondale
- Teresa Montgomery
- Jim Moore
- Kimberly Moreland
- Larry Morris
- Wayne Morrow
- Andrew Morse
- Stephen Most
- Jeremy Mouat
- Larry Mulally
- Joanne Mulcahy
- Katy Muldoon
- Alice Mullaly
- Erik Muller
- Richard Mullins
- Michael Munk
- Sarah Munro
- Elaine Murdy-Trucke
- William Murlin
- Benjamin Murphy
- Gary Murrell
- Gloria E. Myers