Our entries are written by experts in their subjects. They are meticulously researched and fact-checked. Over 600 contributors from around the state have given their knowledge, expertise, and their voices to this one-of-a-kind public history site.
- Deborah Raber
- Aaron Ramirez
- Jack Ramsay
- Jarold Ramsey
- Carol Ann Raphael
- Laurie Rawlins
- Lois E. Ray
- Michael Reardon
- SuAnn M. Reddick
- Janice Reid
- Janna Reid
- Bob Reinhardt
- Don Reynolds
- June Reynolds
- Phyllis Reynolds
- Amy Richard
- Tami Richards
- Anne Richardson
- Connie West and Rae Richen
- Debra Riddle
- Joanne Rideout
- Thron Riggs
- Jay Rishel
- William G. Robbins
- Prudence Roberts
- Ruth Roberts
- Robert P. Robinson
- Cynthia Roché
- Renato Rodriguez
- Sue Rohde
- Jane Rohling
- Elaine Rohse
- Jessica Rondema
- Roy Roos
- Holly Roose
- Taylor Rose
- Richie Rosencrance
- Frederic Ross
- Leland Roth
- Larissa Rudnicki
- Eric Rue
- David Runner
- Kristi L. Russell
- Gregory T. Ryder
- Diane Rynerson