Our entries are written by experts in their subjects. They are meticulously researched and fact-checked. Over 600 contributors from around the state have given their knowledge, expertise, and their voices to this one-of-a-kind public history site.
- Patricia Saab
- Henry Sakamoto
- Israel Salgado
- Miguel Salinas
- H. Royce Saltzman
- Rachelle (Riki) Saltzman
- Jack T. Sanders
- Richard Sanders
- David Sarasohn
- Carmen Sarjeant
- Layne Sawyer
- Roger Saydack
- John Scanlan
- Liza J. Schade
- Dan Schaefer
- Patricia Schechter
- David Scheer
- Paul Scheerer
- Jim Scheppke
- Michael Schepps
- Carli Schiffner
- Sheridan (Annie) Schlegel
- Grant Schott
- Steven Schreiber
- Earl Schroeder
- June Arima Schumann
- E.A. Schwartz
- Tina Schweickert
- Cameron Scott
- James C. Scott
- John Scott
- Liz Scott
- Sami Scripter
- William Seaburg
- Don Sederstrom
- Paul Senz
- Donald Sevetson
- Todd Shallat
- John Sheehy
- Donna Sheets-Mathew
- Jeanne Sheets-Sagoo
- Chris Shelley
- David Sherrod
- Gregory P. Shine
- Becky Shoemaker
- Marilyn Shotola
- Robert Shotola
- Elaine Shreve
- Jim Shugrue
- Carol Shults
- Aurora Siegler
- Mario Sifuentez
- Peggy Sigler
- Ed Silling
- Carol Silverman
- Matt Simek
- Mary Simeone
- Catherine Simpson
- Ray Sims
- Donna Sinclair
- Daniel Sizer
- Jeremy Skinner
- Paula Slavens
- Peter Sleeth
- Beth Slovic
- J. Evan Smiley
- Cessna (Duke) Smith
- Courtland L. Smith
- Craig Smith
- Geoffrey M. Smith
- Gregg Smith
- Kenneth A. Smith
- Rachael Smith
- Stacey Smith
- Greta Smith Wisnewski
- Daniel J Sobota
- Dale E. Soden
- Rickie Solinger
- Martha A. Solomon
- Adam M. Sowards
- Kevin Spann
- Mark Spence
- Brandon Spencer-Hartle
- Leon Speroff
- Luke Sprunger
- Patricia Squire
- David Stabler
- William Stack
- Kim Stafford
- Ann Staley
- Nicholas Starin
- Brad St. Clair
- Phyllis Steeves
- Harry H. Stein
- Paul Steinle
- Susan Stelljes
- Siva Stephens
- Sam Stern
- Carrie Stewart
- Alan St. John
- Tristan Stoch
- Zachary Stocks
- Jennifer Strayer
- Michael Strelow
- Bernadine Strik
- Linda Strine
- Chantal Strobel
- Robert Stubblefield
- Dick Stueve
- Victoria Sturtevant
- Meg Suhosky
- William Sullivan
- Abigail Susik
- Gerald Sussman
- Jerry Sutherland
- Hope Svenson
- William Swagerty
- Melissa Swank
- Evelyn Swart