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168 results
  • Paul S. Wright (1895-1994)

    In over five decades of ministry in Oregon (1941-1994), the Rev. Dr. Paul S. Wright became one of the state’s most influential, successful, and beloved …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Pelton Dam Fish Ladder

    This Oregon Journal photograph shows the three-mile-long fish ladder that parallels the east bank of the Deschutes River. The ladder was designed to facilitate anadromous …

    Oregon History Project

  • Police and Pickets Clash, Stimson Mill, 1935

    This photograph—published in the Oregon Journal on June 14, 1935—shows a state policeman clubbing a picketer several miles south of Forest Grove. The unidentified picketer …

    Oregon History Project

  • Portland Seamen's Friend Society

    The Portland Seamen's Friend Society was organized in 1877 by Reverend R.S. Stubbs and prominent Portland merchants, including Henry Corbett, William S. Ladd, Simeon …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Protect the Salmon - Vote 332 (X) Yes

    This card was distributed by the Fish Conservation Committee, a political group organized to promote a 1908 initiative that sought to ban fishwheels and other …

    Oregon History Project

  • Race and Progressive Resistance

    By the mid-1960s, opposition to what planners called “urban renewal”— the demolition of deteriorating mixed-use districts to make way for freeways and large public buildings—spread …

    Oregon History Project

  • Railroads, Race, and the Transformation of Oregon

    As symbols of the Industrial Revolution, railroads were powerful centralizing and dispersing mediums, concentrating populations in urban areas while also scattering people and communities across …

    Oregon History Project

  • Renewing the Public Space and the New Urbanism

    Within a downtown whose property owners were receptive to the New Urbanism, public space was reconfigured to appeal to pedestrians. Even the eruption of Mount …

    Oregon History Project

  • Salmon

    The word “salmon” originally referred to Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), a species native to the North Atlantic rim and Arctic Ocean above Western …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Seufert Brothers Cannery

    Seufert Brothers Company was the leading salmon packer on the Middle Columbia River from the mid-1890s to the mid-1950s. Beginning in 1867, industrial processing and …

    Oregon Encyclopedia