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168 results
  • Fr. Adrien Croquet (1818-1902)

    Father Adrien-Joseph Croquet (pronounced “Crockett” locally) arrived in Oregon in 1859 from Belgium. Throughout his time in Oregon, he maintained an eclectic missionary lifestyle, traveling …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Frances Fuller Victor (1826–1902)

    In 1869, the Overland Monthly and Out West Magazine featured "Manifest Destiny in the West," by acclaimed eastern novelist and Oregon immigrant Frances Fuller Victor. …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Francois Blanchet (1795-1883)

    François Norbert Blanchet arrived in Oregon in November 1838 as vicar general to the diverse Indian tribes of the Pacific Northwest, the French Canadians, the …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Frank Hachiya (1920-1945)

    The name Frank T. Hachiya will forever be linked to Oregon’s Hood River Valley, a setting hostile to returning Japanese American servicemen and families at …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Fred Milton (1948-2011)

    During a period of social and racial turmoil in the late 1960s, the Black Student Union at Oregon State University staged a protest, walking off …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Frederick Louis Gifford (1878-1945)

    Fred L. Gifford was the leader (“Grand Dragon”) for the Oregon Ku Klux Klan between 1921 and 1924, when the “invisible empire” was influential in …

    Oregon History Project

  • From Boom Times to Hard Times

    Southwestern Oregon’s economy worsened after 1893, when the nation plunged into a deep financial depression. Local tensions were intensified during those difficult times, fueling the …

    Oregon History Project

  • From W.R. Burner to Governor Olcott, 1923

    This letter, written in 1923 by W. R. Burner of Holland, in Josephine County, to outgoing Oregon Governor Benjamin Olcott, hints at the social and …

    Oregon History Project

  • Fur Trade in Oregon Country

    The fur trade was the earliest and longest-enduring economic enterprise that colonizers, imperialists, and nationalists pursued in North America. It significantly shaped North American history, …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Gay and lesbian rights movement

    Before Stonewall Before New York’s Stonewall Riots in 1969, the history of gay rights in Oregon, as in the United States generally, was one of …

    Oregon Encyclopedia