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2079 results
Point Adams
Located at the mouth of the Columbia River and marking the extreme northwestern corner of Oregon, Point Adams is a pivotal landmark in the geography …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Point Adams Lighthouse and Life-Saving Station
Point Adams was given its name by Captain Robert Gray, who in his official log entry on May 19, 1792, named the spit of …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Pokegama Plateau
The Pokegama (pronounced Po-KEG-a-ma) Plateau, elevation about 4,200 feet, includes some 140,000 acres of privately owned land in the Southern Oregon Cascade Range midway between …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Pollution in Paradise (documentary film)
KGW-TV aired Tom McCall’s one-hour documentary Pollution in Paradise on November 21, 1962. An environmental classic, the program represented McCall’s investigative skills and pressed …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Pomona Hotel Fire, 1975
On the evening of July 7, 1975, fire broke out at the Pomona Hotel, at 23 Northwest Second Avenue in Portland, killing twelve people …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Ponderosa pine
Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa)—also known as yellow, western yellow, pondosa, blackjack, or bull pine—is one of the most widespread, easily recognizable pines in …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Populism in Oregon
Populism refers to a political discourse that defines the interests of “the people”—as opposed to those of political, economic, or cultural elites—as well as to …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Portland, with a 2020 population of 652,503 within its city limits and 2,226,009 in the seven-county metropolitan area, was platted on the west bank of …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Portland Art Association
The Portland Art Association (PAA) was organized on December 12, 1892, by citizens interested in developing a collection and providing a space where art could …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Portland Art Museum
The Portland Art Museum, which opened in 1895 in the city library with casts of classical sculptures and prints of European paintings, is a nationally …
Oregon Encyclopedia