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2087 results
Jonah B. Wise (1881-1959)
Rabbi Jonah B. Wise led Congregation Beth Israel, Portland’s oldest and most prestigious synagogue, from 1907 to 1926. He played a key role …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Joni Huntley (1956–)
As a seventeen-year-old senior at Sheridan High School, Joni Huntley became the first American woman to jump six feet in the high jump. She set …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Jordan Craters
Jordan Craters is an otherworldly place, beautiful and foreboding, an outdoor museum of recent basalt volcanism amid sagebrush steppe rangeland. Located about eighteen miles northwest …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art
The Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art (JSMA), situated on the Memorial Quadrangle at the University of Oregon in Eugene, is the only academic art …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Jordan Valley
The town of Jordan Valley stretches along Highway 95 in Oregon’s High Desert. At an elevation of 4,385 feet, the town is on the …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Joseph C. Blumel (1928-2007)
In the spring of 1974, Portland State University (PSU) inaugurated its fifth president, Joseph Carolton Blumel. The school had just turned twenty-eight years old, having …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Joseph Gale (1807-1881)
Joseph Gale was a western explorer, trapper, settler, politician, and entrepreneur, and he was a member of the Oregon Provisional Government Executive Committee in 1843-1844, …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Joseph Gervais (1777-1861)
Joseph Gervais was a prominent French Canadian settler in the Willamette Valley. He was one of the small number of French Canadians who voted …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Joseph Henry Wythe (1822-1901)
Joseph Henry Wythe, M.D., served as president of Willamette University from 1865 to 1867. He presided over the organization of the university’s medical department and …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Josephine Martin Plymale (1845–1899)
Josephine Martin Plymale was both a woman of her time and a woman who defied the gender standards of nineteenth-century Jacksonville, Oregon. She was an …
Oregon Encyclopedia