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2087 results
  • Jonah B. Wise (1881-1959)

    Rabbi Jonah B. Wise led Congregation Beth Israel, Portland’s oldest and most prestigious synagogue, from 1907 to 1926. He played a key role …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Joni Huntley (1956–)

    As a seventeen-year-old senior at Sheridan High School, Joni Huntley became the first American woman to jump six feet in the high jump. She set …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Jordan Craters

    Jordan Craters is an otherworldly place, beautiful and foreboding, an outdoor museum of recent basalt volcanism amid sagebrush steppe rangeland. Located about eighteen miles northwest …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art

    The Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art (JSMA), situated on the Memorial Quadrangle at the University of Oregon in Eugene, is the only academic art …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Jordan Valley

    The town of Jordan Valley stretches along Highway 95 in Oregon’s High Desert. At an elevation of 4,385 feet, the town is on the …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Joseph C. Blumel (1928-2007)

    In the spring of 1974, Portland State University (PSU) inaugurated its fifth president, Joseph Carolton Blumel. The school had just turned twenty-eight years old, having …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Joseph Gale (1807-1881)

    Joseph Gale was a western explorer, trapper, settler, politician, and entrepreneur, and he was a member of the Oregon Provisional Government Executive Committee in 1843-1844, …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Joseph Gervais (1777-1861)

    Joseph Gervais was a prominent French Canadian settler in the Willamette Valley. He was one of the small number of French Canadians who voted …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Joseph Henry Wythe (1822-1901)

    Joseph Henry Wythe, M.D., served as president of Willamette University from 1865 to 1867. He presided over the organization of the university’s medical department and …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Josephine Martin Plymale (1845–1899)

    Josephine Martin Plymale was both a woman of her time and a woman who defied the gender standards of nineteenth-century Jacksonville, Oregon. She was an …

    Oregon Encyclopedia