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2087 results
Julian S. "Dutch" Reinschmidt (1925-1998)
Julian S. "Dutch" Reinschmidt, physician and educator, was a key figure in transforming rural health care in Oregon and led a radical restructuring of the …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Julia Ruuttila (1907-1991)
Julia Ruuttila was a labor and investigative journalist, a poet and fiction writer, and a union, peace, and justice activist who lived all but a …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Julius L. Meier (1874-1937)
Julius Meier served as Oregon’s governor from 1931 to 1935 during the darkest years of the Great Depression. While coping with the impact of huge …
Oregon Encyclopedia
June Hogs (salmon)
Imagine a single salmon weighing eight-five pounds or more. These summer-run Chinook salmon, named "June hogs" for their hog-like fatness from back to belly, once …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis) is emblematic of central and eastern Oregon, where it thrives in the arid climate and extreme temperatures of the high …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Justus Krumbein (1847-1907)
Justus F. Krumbein was a prominent architect in Portland and the Willamette Valley from 1871 until his death in 1907. His work included designs for …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Kaiser Permanente in Oregon
Kaiser Permanente is an integrated healthcare organization consisting of three distinct entities: Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, and separate autonomous medical groups. It …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Kaiser Shipyards
During World War II, industrialist Henry J. Kaiser established three shipyards in the Pacific Northwest, two in Portland and one in Vancouver, Washington. Kaiser’s Northwest …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Kalapuya Man Drawing
Costume of a Callapuya Indian, also known as Kalapuya Man, is one of the earliest, most recognizable images in Oregon history. The 1841 woodcut by …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Kalapuyan peoples
The name Kalapuya (kǎlə poo´ yu), also appearing in the modern geographic spellings Calapooia (for a river in Linn Country) and Calapooya (for a mountain …
Oregon Encyclopedia