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2087 results
  • Kalapuya Treaty of 1855

    The treaty with the Confederated Bands of Kalapuya (1855) is the only ratified treaty with the Kalapuyan groups who are indigenous to the Willamette Valley …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Kalliah Tumulth (Indian Mary) (1854-1906)

    Kalliah Tumulth, also called Indian Mary, was a Cascade (Watlala) Chinook born in October 1854 to a signer of one of the main Oregon treaties. …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Kalmiopsis Wilderness

    The 179,850-acre Kalmiopsis Wilderness, located in southwestern Oregon in the rugged Siskiyou subrange of the Klamath Mountains, is the third largest wilderness in the state. …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Kam Wah Chung and Co.

    The Kam Wah Chung and Company (Jin huachang ‘Golden Flower of Prosperity’) was a Chinese-owned grocery, dry goods store, and clinic in John Day. …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Karl Onthank (1890-1967)

    Karl William Onthank was a university administrator and environmental advocate who helped modernize Oregon's educational system while also shepherding conservation efforts throughout the state. In …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Kate Wilhelm (1928-2018)

    Kate Wilhelm was a prolific and award-winning author best known for her science fiction, fantasy, and speculative fiction and her mystery and suspense writing. She …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Katherine Conlee "Kay" Atwood (1942–2014)

    Kay Atwood researched and wrote extensively about southern Oregon history, establishing herself as one of the region’s leading historians. Her publications on the area’s orchard …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Katherine Dunn (1945–2016)

    Writer Katherine Dunn spent much of her life in Portland and set many of her works in the city. She was the acclaimed author of …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Katherine Manion (1867-1956)

    As an activist and physician, Katherine Manion contributed to Oregon women's quest for complete citizenship in the early twentieth century. She also worked for a …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Katherine Sterrett Munra (Grandma Munra) (1831-1923)

    Katherine Sara Sterrett Munra, known widely as "Grandma Munra," became famous for her skillful operation of fine dining rooms at railroad eating houses in early …

    Oregon Encyclopedia