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2087 results
Linus Pauling (1901-1994)
Linus Pauling, who was born, raised, and educated in Oregon, became one of the world’s leading scientists and the only person to win two unshared …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Lisa Malinowski Steinman (1950–)
Lisa M. Steinman writes “to make sense of myself and the world,” she told Claire Sykes in the June 2014 Reed Magazine. A prolific …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Literary Arts
Literary Arts is a nonprofit arts organization with a mission to enrich the lives of Oregonians through language and literature. Its programs include Portland Arts …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Lithia Motors
Lithia Motors in Ashland began in 1946 with a Chrysler-Plymouth-Dodge car dealership founded by Walter DeBoer. Today, it is a Fortune 700 company whose growth …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Lithia Park
Lithia Park in Ashland is a good example of what Fredrick Law Olmsted called "the genius of place." The park rambles from the edge of …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Lizzie Weeks (1879-1976)
Lizzie Koontz Weeks was an African American activist in Portland in the years after women in Oregon had achieved the right to vote in 1912. …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Lloyd Doss (1920-2011)
Lloyd Thomas Doss gained fame playing with some of the best Western music bands of the 1940s and 50s. He was born in Weiser, Idaho, …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Lloyd Reynolds (1902–1978)
Lloyd Reynolds is an iconic figure in Pacific Northwest calligraphy. He not only inspired generations of students, but he also strongly influenced the aesthetics of …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Loaves and Fishes
Loaves and Fishes Centers was established in Portland by a group of people who organized in 1969 to find ways to meet the nutritional and …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Lodgepole pine
Oregon's only native two-needle pine, Pinus contorta, commonly called lodgepole pine, is widely distributed across the state in a variety of diverse ecological habitats, …
Oregon Encyclopedia