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2087 results
  • Lower Klamath Lake

    Before human engineering altered the upper Klamath Basin, water flowed from Upper Klamath Lake into Link River, a short stream that emptied into Lake Ewauna, …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Lucia Wiley (1906-1998)

    Lucia Wiley was a nationally known fresco artist from Tillamook who created a number of murals in Minnesota and Illinois post offices, schools, and armories. …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Lung On (1863-1940)

    Lung On (Liang Guanying, also known as Leon) was a partner with Ing Hay in the Kam Wah Chung and Company general store and apothecary …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Luther Cressman (1897-1994)

    Known as the father of Oregon archaeology and anthropology, Luther Cressman conducted pioneering archaeological work in the 1930s through the 1960s and established the broad …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • MacDonald F. (Donald or Don) Mayer (1884–1966)

    MacDonald F. Mayer worked as an architect in Portland from early 1911 to 1915 before taking his talents to New York, Wisconsin, and Florida. While …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Mackenzie House (Portland)

    The Dr. K.A.J. and Cora Mackenzie House, located at 615 Northwest 20th Avenue in Portland, was constructed in 1892. Listed on the National Register …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • MacLaren Youth Correctional Facility

    The MacLaren Youth Correctional Facility in Woodburn is one of five correctional facilities overseen by the Oregon Youth Authority. Established in 1926 as the Woodburn …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Macleay Park

    Portlanders have long valued Macleay Park, in Portland’s northwest hills, as a wild oasis close to the city’s core. The nearly 140-acre park has …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Madeline DeFrees (1919-2015)

    Madeline DeFrees is an Oregon native and former nun whose poetry explores the borderlands between the religious and secular worlds and the complicated intersections of …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Madras

    The Willow Creek basin that cradles Madras held four homesteads in 1902 when John Palmehn platted the town. It was initially called Palmain, an Americanized …

    Oregon Encyclopedia