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2087 results
  • Margaret Jewett Smith Bailey (1812-1882)

    Writing under the pen name Ruth Rover, Margaret Jewett Smith Bailey wrote one of the earliest works in Oregon, The Grains, or, Passages in the …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Margaret Louise Carter (1935–)

    Margaret Carter was the first Black woman to be elected to the Oregon State Legislature, in 1984. She served as the chair of the Democratic …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Margaret Sanger's Arrest in Portland, 1916

    On June 29, 1916, Margaret Sanger was arrested in Portland for distributing pamphlets promoting birth control. Sanger was the author of a series of articles …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Margery Hoffman Smith (1888-1981)

    Margery Hoffman Smith, a painter and interior designer, was called the “grande dame of arts and crafts” for her work at Timberline Lodge on …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Marian B. Towne (1880 - 1966)

    As the first woman elected to the Oregon House of Representatives (1914), and one of the first women in the state to serve with the …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Marianne Mayfield (Hill) (1936-2004)

    During more than thirty years on the Portland jazz scene, singer and bassist Marianne Mayfield was a rare female instrumentalist in a male-dominated jazz world …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Marian Wood Kolisch (1920-2008)

    Marian Wood Kolisch was an Oregon photographer known for her documentation of those who helped shape cultural life in Oregon during the twentieth century. From …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Maribel Cadmus (1924–)

    Maribel Cadmus was secretary of the Oregon Senate from 1976 to 1988, acting as the Senate’s administrator and parliamentarian and keeping it functioning, both during …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Marie Dorion (1790?–1850)

    A woman of Sioux and, more particularly, Iowa descent, Marie Dorion, by birth Marie L’Ayvoise, was a member of the Wilson Price Hunt expedition, which …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Marie Equi (1872-1952)

    Dr. Marie Equi was a fiercely independent Oregon physician who was engaged in the political turmoil and social change of the late nineteenth and early …

    Oregon Encyclopedia