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2087 results
  • Ashland

    Ashland, a city of 21,360 people in Jackson County, is situated in the Rogue River/Bear Creek Valley at the foot of the Siskiyou …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Ashland Independent Film Festival

    The Ashland Independent Film Festival (AIFF) is a five-day film festival showing a broad range of non-studio films. The festival typically offers more than eighty …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • As It Was (Jefferson Public Radio)

    Jefferson Public Radio (JPR), a network of satellite radio stations serving southern Oregon and northern California, transmitted the first airing of "As It Was" on …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Assisted Plant Migration

    Assisted migration is the human-assisted movement of species and populations of plants and animals to areas outside their recent historical distributions. A primary goal of …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Associated Oregon Industries

    Associated Oregon Industries (AOI), a private business and advocacy group, was founded in 1895 to advance awareness of products from Oregon. During the twentieth century, …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Astor Expedition (1810-1813)

    The Astor Expedition was a grand, two-pronged mission, involving scores of men, that attempted to establish a worldwide trading network centered at present-day Astoria. Although …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Astoria and Columbia River Railroad

    Ever since Astoria was founded at the mouth of the Columbia River in 1811, residents dreamed of their town becoming a booming port. Once ships …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Astoria (book, 1836)

    Although Washington Irving (1783-1859) never traveled to Oregon Country, he wrote one of the most widely read and influential narratives of the region. His …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Astoria Column

    The Astoria Column is an art-covered pillar made of concrete that reaches 125 feet skyward from Coxcomb Hill, overlooking Astoria and the Columbia River. …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Astoria streetcar system

    The Astoria Street Railway Company began horsecar operations on May 9, 1888. Five cars provided service over three miles of track along Commercial Street. By …

    Oregon Encyclopedia