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237 results
  • Richard Neuberger (1912-1960)

    When he was elected to the United States Senate in 1954, Richard Neuberger had been at the center of journalistic excellence in the Pacific Northwest …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Robert Newell (1807–1869)

    In 1840, after more than a decade in the Rocky Mountain fur trade, Robert Newell headed to the Oregon Country. Getting there, he led the …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Rock Art

    Rock art is one of the most common types of archaeological site in Oregon, occurring from the Portland Basin to Hell’s Canyon and the high …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Russel Farnham (1785-1832)

    Russel Farnham, an American adventurer, explorer, and fur trader, was sent by John Jacob Astor in 1811 to establish Fort Astoria, the first United …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Sk'in

    Sk’in was a significant Native American settlement located on the north side of Celilo Falls near the present town of Wishram, Washington. Its name—the Columbia …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • South Fork John Day River

    From its headwaters in the fir and ponderosa pine forests of Grant and Harney Counties, the South Fork John Day River flows northward for about …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Spray

    The hamlet of Spray is located on the banks of the John Day River among the basalt rimrock of north-central Oregon, about thirty-six miles southeast …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • The Dalles

    The Dalles is one of the oldest permanently occupied places in Oregon, significant to Native people for over ten millennia and to Euro-American settlers since …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • The Dalles Dam

    The United States Army Corps of Engineers constructed The Dalles Dam between 1952 and 1957. The dam was a significant part of the federal government's …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Tualatin peoples

    Tualatin (properly pronounced 'twälə.tun in English) was the name of a collection of related but independent villages whose members spoke a dialect of Northern Kalapuya, …

    Oregon Encyclopedia