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2087 results
Mattie Cone Sleeth (1852-1934)
Mattie Cone Sleeth was a significant force for change in Oregon during the early decades of the twentieth century. A devoted minister’s wife, she arrived …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Maud Baldwin (1878-1926)
Maud Baldwin was born in Linkville (now Klamath Falls) on August 8, 1878, the second of five children of George T. and Josephine Baldwin. Her …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Maude Walling Wanker (1882 - 1970)
Artist Maude Wanker is perhaps best known for her prowess in watercolor. She was a founding officer of the Oregon Amateur Watercolor Society and the …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Maurine Neuberger (1906-2000)
Maurine Brown Neuberger entered politics as an Oregon state legislator and, as of 2010, was Oregon’s first and only woman to serve in the United …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Maxville, in northeast Oregon east of the town of Wallowa, was home to African American loggers at a time when Oregon’s constitution included a provision …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Prior to its being named Mayville, the settlement along Route 19 between Condon and Fossil was called Clyde, after a local blacksmith, whose last name …
Oregon Encyclopedia
The history of the Mazamas began in early 1894 when William Gladstone Steel and several Oregon Alpine Club members met to organize a new society. …
Oregon Encyclopedia
McCarthy Era (late 1940s-late 1950s)
As Woody Guthrie observed at the dawn of the McCarthy Era in 1947, "Portland is OK except for being 50 years behind Seattle in …
Oregon Encyclopedia
McCaw, Martin, and White Architects
McCaw, Martin & White was a prominent architectural firm active in Portland at the end of the nineteenth century. It was responsible for some of …
Oregon Encyclopedia
McClellan Committee
Portland's notorious history of racketeering played a role in the creation of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Improper Activities in the Labor or …
Oregon Encyclopedia