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2087 results
Medford Mail Tribune
For over a hundred years, the Medford Mail Tribune argued against what it perceived to be dangerous, irrational, or unfair—if often popular—political measures, facing libel …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Meier Site
The Meier site, the subject of an archaeological excavation that documents an early community on the lower Columbia River, is located near Scappoose, …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Mel Blanc (1908-1989)
Mel Blanc, who acted the voice of Bugs Bunny and over four hundred other characters, appeared in three thousand cartoons and animated film shorts. From …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Mel Brown (1944-)
If one had to choose a single musician to represent the history of jazz in Portland, it would be drummer and bandleader Mel Brown. …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Melville Jacobs (1902-1971)
Melville Jacobs did more to document the languages, cultures, oral traditions, and music of Oregon's Native peoples than any other scholar. He trained in language …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Melville Wire (1877-1966)
Melville Thomas Wire, an ordained minister of the Methodist Church, was a talented artist who successfully combined his work for the church with his avocation …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Menucha Retreat and Conference Center
Menucha, a prime northwest conference center, is located on a windy bluff in the Columbia River Gorge, 25 miles east of downtown Portland and …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Mercedes Deiz (1917–2005)
Mercedes Deiz was a trailblazer in the Oregon legal community. She was the first Black woman admitted to the Oregon State Bar and, when she …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Meriwether Lewis (1774-1809)
Reflecting on Meriwether Lewis after his death, Thomas Jefferson bemoaned the loss to “his country of one of her most valued citizens whose valour & …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Metolius River
The Metolius River is a spring-dominated tributary of the Deschutes River in central Oregon. The river is named for the Warm Springs Sahaptin word for …
Oregon Encyclopedia