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2087 results
Metro Regional Government
Metro is a regional agency that serves the urbanized portions of Multnomah, Clackamas, and Washington counties. It deals with land use and transportation planning and …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Michael McCloskey (1934-)
Mike McCloskey, an Oregon native, is recognized worldwide as a conservationist, a leader of the Sierra Club, and an advocate for the preservation of many …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Milagro Theatre
The Miracle Theatre Group, known as Milagro, is a premier Latino arts and culture organization in Portland. Milagro means “miracle” in Spanish. When asked …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Mildred Schwab (1917-1999)
A Portland city commissioner for fourteen years, Mildred Schwab was known for her sharp tongue, colorful personality, and frugality regarding city funds. A lover of …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Miles Lowell Edwards (1898-1982)
Miles Lowell Edwards was born in 1898 in Newberg, a town his grandfather Jesse Edwards had established in 1880 as a Quaker community. His …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Mill City
Straddling two counties (Marion and Linn) and one river (the North Santiam), Mill City is the largest town in the North Santiam Canyon of the …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Mill Creek Archaeological Sites (Salem)
The modern City of Salem occupies a former Kalapuyan townsite known as Chemeketa, near the mouth of what is now Mill Creek (formerly Chemeketa Creek), …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Mill Creek Correctional Facility
The Mill Creek Correctional Facility, located on Turner Road southeast of Salem, has had a layered history of institutional use. The Oregon State Reform …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Mill Ends Park
The world's smallest park, the Guinness Book of World Records claims, is located in Portland at the intersection of Southwest Naito Parkway and Taylor Street, …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Millie R. Trumbull (1866-1940)
Millie Reid Trumbull was a forceful advocate for women and children in the industrial workplace. As the first executive secretary of the Oregon Board of …
Oregon Encyclopedia