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2087 results
Modeste Demers (1809-1871)
Modeste Demers answered the missionary call to Oregon in 1838, just two years after his ordination as a Roman Catholic priest in his native Quebec. …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Modoc War
The Modoc War, waged mostly over the winter and spring of 1872-1873, thrust the border between Oregon and California into the national spotlight. During peace …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Molala Kate Chantal (1844?-1938)
Molala Kate Chantal (also known as Molala Kate)—the daughter of Molalla Chief Yelkus (Kil-ke), a signer of treaties with the United States in 1851 and …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Molalla Peoples
The name Molalla ([moˈlɑlə, ˈmolɑlə], usually spelled Molala by anthropologists; also Molale, Molele, Molalis) refers to like-speaking Indigenous peoples who at the time of their …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Molly Gloss (1944-)
Molly Gloss, prize-winning novelist and short-story writer, was born in 1944 and has lived in and near Portland all her life. As a child, she …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Monaco Motor Coach
The recreational vehicle (RV) industry had its beginning in 1968, when entrepreneurs Bob Lee, Ray Mehaffey, Glenn Hancock, and John McCabe started Caribou Manufacturing in …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Monmouth’s claim to fame as Oregon’s last town to prohibit the sale of alcohol ended in 2002 when voters passed a ballot measure overturning a …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Monroe Sweetland (1910-2006)
Monroe Sweetland's life embraced the cultural revolution of the 1920s, the crisis of the Great Depression, the violence of World War II, and the contentious …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Montgomery Ward/Park Building
The Montgomery Ward building in northwest Portland was a hallmark of modern industrial design when it opened on January 1, 1921. Built with fireproof, steel-reinforced …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Morningside Hospital
In 1883, Dr. Henry Waldo Coe founded Morningside Hospital in three large houses he privately owned in northwest Portland with the intention of treating mentally …
Oregon Encyclopedia