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2088 results
  • Neahkahnie Mountain

    Neahkahnie Mountain, about twenty miles south of Seaside, is a prominent landmark in Oregon Coast geography, history, and lore. Standing 1,680 feet high, the basalt …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Nehalem Bay State Park

    Nehalem Bay State Park occupies almost 900 acres on a sand spit separating Nehalem Bay from the Pacific Ocean. Native Americans once occupied seasonal homes …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Neighborhood House

    Neighborhood House, a settlement house and social services center originally located in Southwest Portland, played a significant role in Portland's social history during …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Neil Goldschmidt (1940-2024)

    Neil Edward Goldschmidt, the thirty-third governor of Oregon (1986-1991), U.S. secretary of transportation under President Jimmy Carter (1979-1981), and the forty-first mayor of Portland (1973-1979), …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Neil Lomax (1959-)

    Neil Lomax was the unlikeliest football superstar, a decent passer on a running high school team. By mid-winter of his senior year, 1976, he had …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Nelson Sandgren (1917-2006)

    Nelson Sandgren was a painter and printmaker who taught at Oregon State University for thirty-eight years, from 1948 until 1986. He exhibited his work in …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Newberg

    Newberg, the second largest city in Yamhill County, is located about a mile north of a northerly bend in the Willamette River. The city …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Newberry National Volcanic Monument

    Newberry Crater, as it is commonly known, is a large shield volcano east of the Cascade Range in central Oregon. The area was named for …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • New Carissa

    The New Carissa, a 639-foot freighter, wrecked on the North Spit near North Bend early on the morning of February 4, 1999, causing what …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • New Carissa trials

    A 639-foot freighter, the New Carissa, ran aground in inclement weather off the southern Oregon port of Coos Bay on February 4, 1999. It …

    Oregon Encyclopedia