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2087 results
  • Bach Cantata Choir

    Few choirs dedicate themselves to a specific performance achievement goal around one composer, but the Bach Cantata Choir of Portland has done just that. In …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Bagby Hot Springs

    Bagby Hot Springs is located in the Mount Hood National Forest about seventy miles southeast of Portland. The springs, whose hot mineral water Indians …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Bagdad Theater

    From its grand opening on January 14, 1927, as movie theater and “Oasis for Entertainment,” to its recent incarnation as a theater pub, the Bagdad …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Bailey Gatzert

    Built when racing was popular among passenger steamboats, the stately Bailey Gatzert was a contender. It was one of the most famous Columbia River excursion …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Baker City

    The skyline of Baker City, at an elevation of 3,440, is dominated by two mountain ranges, the Elkhorns on the west and the Wallowas on …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Baker City Chinatown

    For over seven decades, Baker City had an area referred to as Chinatown by Chinese and whites alike. Founded in 1864, the town owed its …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Baker City streetcar system

    The Baker City Street Railway Company began operation on June 4, 1890, with two cars and six horses. The enterprise was initially headed by John …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Baldwin Hotel

    In 1907, George Baldwin opened the Baldwin Hotel in Klamath Falls, which he had built on a steep hillside of hard volcanic rock. Because of …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Balloon Bombs

    The Mitchell Monument marks the spot near Bly, Oregon, where six people were killed by a Japanese balloon bomb during World War II. Designated by …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Bandon

    Located at the mouth of the Coquille River in Coos County, Oregon, Bandon is on the south side of the harbor and on headlands above …

    Oregon Encyclopedia