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2086 results
  • Oregon Plan

    The Oregon Plan, implemented in May 1942, led to the organization of the first Japanese American farm labor camp during World War II. The camp, …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Oregon Pony

    The first steam locomotive in the Pacific Northwest—the "Oregon Pony"—was used in the early 1860s to portage steamboat passengers and goods past the Cascade Rapids, …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Oregon Posten

    The first issue of the weekly Oregon Posten (Oregon Post), the state’s largest Swedish newspaper, was published on December 2, 1908, with Fredrik …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Oregon Producers’ Exporting and Importing Company

    In the early months of 1847, a group of Willamette Valley farmers organized the Oregon Producers’ Exporting and Importing Company (OPEIC). The farmers wanted to …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Oregon Queer History Collective (Gay & Lesbian Archives of the Pacific Northwest)

    The Oregon Queer History Collective, formerly known as the  Gay & Lesbian Archives of the Pacific Northwest, was founded in October 1994 by a small …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Oregon Question

    “The Oregon boundary question,” historian Frederick Merk concluded, “was a diplomatic problem involving a kernel of reality and an enormous husk.” The eventual existence of …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Oregon Railway & Navigation Company

    Recognizing the opportunity to monopolize access to Oregon by the transcontinental railroads as well as maintaining a near-monopoly on regional waterways, financier Henry Villard incorporated …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Oregon Rangers

    The Oregon Rangers, an organized militia based in Oregon’s Willamette Valley, was the first nonindigenous armed force in the Pacific Northwest. The Provisional Government …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Oregon Repertory Singers

    Since 1974, no other choral organization has brought more recognition or varied programs to the state than the Oregon Repertory Singers. The ninety-mixed-voice group has …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Oregon School for the Blind

    The Oregon School for the Blind, also known as the Oregon Institute for the Blind and the Oregon State School for the Blind, was a …

    Oregon Encyclopedia