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2086 results
Oregon Plan
The Oregon Plan, implemented in May 1942, led to the organization of the first Japanese American farm labor camp during World War II. The camp, …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Oregon Pony
The first steam locomotive in the Pacific Northwest—the "Oregon Pony"—was used in the early 1860s to portage steamboat passengers and goods past the Cascade Rapids, …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Oregon Posten
The first issue of the weekly Oregon Posten (Oregon Post), the state’s largest Swedish newspaper, was published on December 2, 1908, with Fredrik …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Oregon Producers’ Exporting and Importing Company
In the early months of 1847, a group of Willamette Valley farmers organized the Oregon Producers’ Exporting and Importing Company (OPEIC). The farmers wanted to …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Oregon Queer History Collective (Gay & Lesbian Archives of the Pacific Northwest)
The Oregon Queer History Collective, formerly known as the Gay & Lesbian Archives of the Pacific Northwest, was founded in October 1994 by a small …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Oregon Question
“The Oregon boundary question,” historian Frederick Merk concluded, “was a diplomatic problem involving a kernel of reality and an enormous husk.” The eventual existence of …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Oregon Railway & Navigation Company
Recognizing the opportunity to monopolize access to Oregon by the transcontinental railroads as well as maintaining a near-monopoly on regional waterways, financier Henry Villard incorporated …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Oregon Rangers
The Oregon Rangers, an organized militia based in Oregon’s Willamette Valley, was the first nonindigenous armed force in the Pacific Northwest. The Provisional Government …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Oregon Repertory Singers
Since 1974, no other choral organization has brought more recognition or varied programs to the state than the Oregon Repertory Singers. The ninety-mixed-voice group has …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Oregon School for the Blind
The Oregon School for the Blind, also known as the Oregon Institute for the Blind and the Oregon State School for the Blind, was a …
Oregon Encyclopedia