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2086 results
Oregon Shakespeare Festival
The Oregon Shakespeare Festival (OSF), under the leadership of Angus L. Bowmer (1904-1979), had its beginnings as a two-play festival in Ashland on July 2, …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Oregon Society of Artists
Founded in 1926 by fifteen artists, including sculptors and architects, the Society of Oregon Artists included many art educators from the Portland Art Museum and …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Oregon Soldiers in the Spanish-American and Philippine Wars, 1898-1899
In the course of the Spanish-American War, the United States attacked and occupied the Spanish colonies of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. The Second …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Oregon Spectator
Established in 1846, the Oregon Spectator was the first newspaper published in the Oregon Territory, preceding newspapers in California and other western outposts. It was …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Oregon State Agricultural Society
On February 22 and 23, 1860, delegates from nine Oregon county agricultural societies and the Oregon Fruit Growers Association (OFGA) met in Salem and formed …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Oregon State Capitol
Among capitol buildings in the United States, the Oregon State Capitol in Salem is a landmark of Modernistic design. Like most other statehouses, it was …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Oregon State Capitol building of 1876
For years after achieving statehood in 1859, Oregon was deprived of a proper capitol due to controversy over fixing the seat of government in Salem …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Oregon State Flag
Oregon is the only state in the country whose flag has a different image on each side. It was also among the last states to …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Oregon State Penitentiary
The Oregon State Penitentiary, Oregon's only maximum-security prison, sits on 194 acres of land in the heart of Salem, just north of Mill Creek on …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Oregon Statesman
Throughout its history, the Oregon Statesman has been a chronicler of Oregon politics. In its earliest years, the newspaper literally followed Oregon’s seat of government …
Oregon Encyclopedia