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2062 results
  • Oregon Supreme Court Building

    The Oregon Supreme Court Building, at the corner of State and 12th Street Southeast in Salem, is the oldest government building on the Capitol …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Oregon Territorial Library

    The Oregon Territorial Library was the first publicly funded library in Oregon. It was created by the U.S. Congress under the same act that established …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Oregon Trail

    Introduction In popular culture, the Oregon Trail is perhaps the most iconic subject in the larger history of Oregon. It adorns a recent Oregon highway …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Oregon Trail quilts

    Quilts made by and for women who traveled the Oregon Trail between 1840 and 1870 are known as Oregon Trail quilts. They were often made …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Oregon Treaty, 1846

    On November 12, 1846, the Oregon Spectator announced that Captain Nathaniel Crosby of the American barque Toulon had arrived from Hawaii, bringing news of the …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Oregon Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program

    The National Tsunami Warning System provides advance warning of earthquakes in distant locations that generate tsunamis with the potential to reach the Oregon coast. The …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Oregon Vortex (House of Mystery)

    The Oregon Vortex and House of Mystery, located on Sardine Creek in Gold Hill, is one of Oregon’s oldest and most original examples of Roadside …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Oregon white oak

    Oregon white oak, Quercus garryana, grows along the Pacific Coast from southern California north through the interior valleys of western Oregon and the Puget Sound …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Oregon Writing Festival

    Portland State University (PSU) becomes a pre-college institution every first Saturday in May, when a thousand children, grades four through twelve, descend on the campus …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Oregon Zoo

    For over a hundred years, the Oregon Zoo has given visitors the opportunity to see and learn about animal species, their habitats, and the conservation …

    Oregon Encyclopedia