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2084 results
Pacific madrone
On May 2, 1792, Archibald Menzies, a surgeon and naturalist on the George Vancouver Expedition, landed on the shores of an island where the Straits …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Pacific Northwest College of Art
Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA), founded in 1909 by the Portland Art Association as the Museum Art School, was originally part of the Education …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Pacific Northwest–Southwest Intertie
No area of the West is isolated from the western electric power supply, which is interconnected by one big high-voltage transmission system from British Columbia …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Pacific Stoneware
Pacific Stoneware may have been the longest-running commercial pottery manufacturer in Oregon. Begun as Pacific Pottery in 1890, the company produced ceramic and stoneware at …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Pacific University
Pacific University, one of the oldest universities in the American West, was founded in 1849 in present-day Forest Grove, about twenty-five miles west of …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Pacific University College of Optometry
The origins of the College of Optometry at Pacific University can be traced to the DeKeyser Institute of Optometry (founded in 1910) and the Oregon …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Pacific yew
The western or Pacific yew, Taxus brevifolia, belongs to the yew family Taxaceae. It is unusual among evergreen trees with needle-like leaves because its single …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Packy the elephant (1962-2017)
On April 14, 1962, the Portland Zoological Gardens (now called the Oregon Zoo) made history when a 225-pound Asian elephant was born to parents …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Paint Your Wagon (film)
A movie often considered to be one of the greatest Hollywood flops of all time was filmed in a remote valley in the Wallowa–Whitman National …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Paisley Caves
The Paisley Caves—more formally known as Paisley Five Mile Caves—in south-central Oregon are among the oldest archaeological deposits in North America. The seven creases that …
Oregon Encyclopedia