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2084 results
  • Pacific madrone

    On May 2, 1792, Archibald Menzies, a surgeon and naturalist on the George Vancouver Expedition, landed on the shores of an island where the Straits …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Pacific Northwest College of Art

    Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA), founded in 1909 by the Portland Art Association as the Museum Art School, was originally part of the Education …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Pacific Northwest–Southwest Intertie

    No area of the West is isolated from the western electric power supply, which is interconnected by one big high-voltage transmission system from British Columbia …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Pacific Stoneware

    Pacific Stoneware may have been the longest-running commercial pottery manufacturer in Oregon. Begun as Pacific Pottery in 1890, the company produced ceramic and stoneware at …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Pacific University

    Pacific University, one of the oldest universities in the American West, was founded in 1849 in present-day Forest Grove, about twenty-five miles west of …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Pacific University College of Optometry

    The origins of the College of Optometry at Pacific University can be traced to the DeKeyser Institute of Optometry (founded in 1910) and the Oregon …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Pacific yew

    The western or Pacific yew, Taxus brevifolia, belongs to the yew family Taxaceae. It is unusual among evergreen trees with needle-like leaves because its single …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Packy the elephant (1962-2017)

    On April 14, 1962, the Portland Zoological Gardens (now called the Oregon Zoo) made history when a 225-pound Asian elephant was born to parents …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Paint Your Wagon (film)

    A movie often considered to be one of the greatest Hollywood flops of all time was filmed in a remote valley in the Wallowa–Whitman National …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Paisley Caves

    The Paisley Caves—more formally known as Paisley Five Mile Caves—in south-central Oregon are among the oldest archaeological deposits in North America. The seven creases that …

    Oregon Encyclopedia