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2083 results
  • Percy A. Cupper (1882-1943)

    Percy Cupper is a good example of the importance of higher education in Oregon, how a child of the state’s high desert frontier could become …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Percy Manser (1886-1973)

    Born in Kent, England, in 1886 and trained at the King Charles School of Art, Percy Manser immigrated to Canada in his early twenties. He …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Peter Britt (1819-1905)

    Peter Britt is best known as an accomplished photographer and horticulturist in Jackson County. But according to his biographer, he was also "by turns, miner, …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Peter Burnett (1807-1895)

    Peter Hardeman Burnett was a leader on the Oregon Trail, a town-builder, a legislator, and the region’s first judge. Throughout his professional career, he easily …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Peter French Round Barn

    Standing clear on a low rise in a sagebrush-dotted expanse of the eastern Oregon rangeland is the round barn built by Peter French and his …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Peter H. Sears (1937–2017)

    Peter H. Sears, a poet and educator, served as Oregon Poet Laureate from 2014 to 2016. His poems appeared in dozens of literary and popular …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Peter Kenoyer (c. 1835–1886) and Louis Kenoyer (1868–1937)

    It is to Peter Kenoyer (Kinai [kʼiˈnɑ:i]) and his son Louis Kenoyer (Bakhawadas [bɑχɑˈwɑ:dɑs]) that we owe most of what has been preserved of the …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Peter Kerr (1861-1957)

    Peter Kerr, a prominent businessman in the early twentieth century, was known as the “Patriarch of the Pacific Northwest wheat trade” for his role connecting …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Petersen Rock Garden

    Petersen Rock Garden is a unique folk art environment in central Oregon that has drawn visitors from around the world since 1938. It was the …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Peter Skene Ogden (1790-1854)

    More than any other figure during the years of the Pacific Northwest's beaver trade, Peter Skene Ogden epitomized that endeavor's transcontinental reach, its rapacious competition …

    Oregon Encyclopedia