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394 results
  • William Selby Harney (1800-1889)

    A brash, opportunistic cavalry officer with an explosive temper and a vindictive predilection for conflict with Indians, fellow officers, and foreign powers, Gen. William Selby …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Alexander Ross (1782-1856)

    Born in the Scottish Highlands, schoolteacher Alexander Ross immigrated to Canada’s St. Lawrence River Valley in 1804. Befriended by fellow Scot Alexander McKay, a veteran …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Alonzo A. Skinner (1814-1877)

    Alonzo A. Skinner was the first judge in the Pacific Northwest, although he had no courtroom and no courthouse and the laws he enforced were …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Applegate Trail

    The Applegate Trail, first laid out and used in 1846, was a southern alternative to the western-most segment of the Oregon Trail, with its …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Astor Expedition (1810-1813)

    The Astor Expedition was a grand, two-pronged mission, involving scores of men, that attempted to establish a worldwide trading network centered at present-day Astoria. Although …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Astoria (book, 1836)

    Although Washington Irving (1783-1859) never traveled to Oregon Country, he wrote one of the most widely read and influential narratives of the region. His …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Barlow Road

    The Barlow Road is a historic wagon road that created a new route on the Oregon Trail in 1846. Until the road was opened, the …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Bear Creek Valley

    Oregon has over ninety separate streams named Bear Creek (far more, in fact, than the Beaver State has Beaver Creeks). Among the most historically notable …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Benjamin F. Shaw (1829-1908)

    During the 1850s, Benjamin Franklin Shaw served as an interpreter for Washington Territorial Governor Isaac Stevens at treaty councils with Native tribes in the Pacific …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Bigfoot (Sasquatch) legend

    Bigfoot is a large and mysterious humanoid creature purported to inhabit the wild and forested areas of Oregon and the West Coast of North America. …

    Oregon Encyclopedia