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107 results
  • Miluk

    Miluk was one of two related languages spoken by people known collectively as Coos. Miluk speakers comprised two distinct bands, one on Coos Bay and …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Yachats

    Yachats (pronounced YAH-hots) is a small resort town on the northern flank of Cape Perpetua, perched above a rocky shoreline and the crashing surf …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde

    The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Community of Oregon is a confederation of over twenty-seven tribes and bands from western Oregon, southern Washington, and northern …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Nasomah Massacre of 1854

    Early explorers noted plankhouse structures up and down the Southern Oregon coast and at the mouth of the Coquille River. It may have been Spanish …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Kalapuya Treaty of 1855

    The treaty with the Confederated Bands of Kalapuya (1855) is the only ratified treaty with the Kalapuyan groups who are indigenous to the Willamette Valley …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Alsea River

    The Alsea River originates in creeks flowing from the west side of Mary's Peak, the highest mountain in the Coast Range (elev. 4101 ft.), and …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Cape Perpetua

    Cape Perpetua juts into the Pacific Ocean about two miles south of Yachats on the central Oregon Coast in Lincoln County. Captain James Cook—who …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Athapaskan Indians

    According to Tolowa oral histories, the Athapaskan people of southern Oregon and northern California arrived from the north in ancient times, traveling by canoe. Linguists …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Hillcrest Orchard

    Hillcrest Orchard has been the name of a farm on the slopes of Roxy Ann Peak in the Rogue River Valley since 1903. It was …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Tecumtum (?-1864)

    Tecumtum, whose name means Elk Killer, was the principal chief of the Etch-ka-taw-wah band of Athabaskan Indians during the Rogue River War in the mid-1850s. …

    Oregon Encyclopedia