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107 results
Miluk was one of two related languages spoken by people known collectively as Coos. Miluk speakers comprised two distinct bands, one on Coos Bay and …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Yachats (pronounced YAH-hots) is a small resort town on the northern flank of Cape Perpetua, perched above a rocky shoreline and the crashing surf …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde
The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Community of Oregon is a confederation of over twenty-seven tribes and bands from western Oregon, southern Washington, and northern …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Nasomah Massacre of 1854
Early explorers noted plankhouse structures up and down the Southern Oregon coast and at the mouth of the Coquille River. It may have been Spanish …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Kalapuya Treaty of 1855
The treaty with the Confederated Bands of Kalapuya (1855) is the only ratified treaty with the Kalapuyan groups who are indigenous to the Willamette Valley …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Alsea River
The Alsea River originates in creeks flowing from the west side of Mary's Peak, the highest mountain in the Coast Range (elev. 4101 ft.), and …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Cape Perpetua
Cape Perpetua juts into the Pacific Ocean about two miles south of Yachats on the central Oregon Coast in Lincoln County. Captain James Cook—who …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Athapaskan Indians
According to Tolowa oral histories, the Athapaskan people of southern Oregon and northern California arrived from the north in ancient times, traveling by canoe. Linguists …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Hillcrest Orchard
Hillcrest Orchard has been the name of a farm on the slopes of Roxy Ann Peak in the Rogue River Valley since 1903. It was …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Tecumtum (?-1864)
Tecumtum, whose name means Elk Killer, was the principal chief of the Etch-ka-taw-wah band of Athabaskan Indians during the Rogue River War in the mid-1850s. …
Oregon Encyclopedia