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394 results
  • Oregon Forests and Climate Change

    How climate change affects Oregon forests and how those forests affect climate change are complex, multilayered, and urgent topics. According to a 2013 report by …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Oregon Land Survey, 1851-1855

    In 1850, President Millard Fillmore appointed John B. Preston as Oregon Territory's first surveyor general. Preston arrived in the territory in 1851; and by the …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Oregon Soldiers in the Spanish-American and Philippine Wars, 1898-1899

    In the course of the Spanish-American War, the United States attacked and occupied the Spanish colonies of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. The Second …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Oregon, My Oregon (state song)

    Oregon’s state song, “Oregon, My Oregon,” was composed by Henry B. Murtagh with lyrics by John Andrew Buchanan. Published in December 1920, it is a …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Pendleton Round-Up

    The Pendleton Round-Up began in September 1910 as a frontier exhibition of horsemanship and cowboy skills that dazzled 10,000 spectators with its sheer speed and …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Port of Toledo

    In 1910, leaders in Toledo, Oregon, obtained voters' permission to form a port district, as allowed by a state law passed in 1909. Ports could …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Portland Beavers (baseball team)

    The Portland Beavers represented Portland in minor league baseball for over a hundred years. The city sponsored teams in several leagues prior to 1906, but …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Quinaby (1815?-1883)

    Quinaby (Quimby, Quiniby), a Tsimikiti (Chemeketa) Kalapuya Indian, saw the first whites settle in French Prairie in the mid-Willamette Valley. Known as Chief …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Robert Newell (1807–1869)

    In 1840, after more than a decade in the Rocky Mountain fur trade, Robert Newell headed to the Oregon Country. Getting there, he led the …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Rogue River Roundup

    In 1916, Ashland dedicated its much-expanded Lithia Park, a ceremony somewhat upstaged by the wildly popular Rogue River Round-Up. In the park dedication brochure …

    Oregon Encyclopedia