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321 results
  • Ralph Barnes (1899-1940)

    A leading foreign correspondent in Europe during the 1930s, Ralph Barnes was born in Salem, Oregon, on June 14, 1899. He graduated from Willamette University …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Rattlesnakes in Oregon

    The rattlesnake is the only dangerously venomous reptile in Oregon. Among the state's native wildlife, few other animals generate as many fears, false perceptions, and …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Raymond Newman (R. N.) Hockenberry (1876–1951)

    For a brief time in the early twentieth century, R. N. Hockenberry was among the most active architects in Oregon, leaving an important legacy of …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Richard Brautigan (1935-1984)

    Novelist and poet Richard Brautigan was raised largely in Eugene and attended South Eugene High School. He featured Oregon scenes and landscapes in his international …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Robert Ruhl (1880-1967)

    Robert Ruhl, publisher and editor of the Medford Mail Tribune, was Oregon's archetypal crusading small-town newspaperman. His editorial battle against the Ku Klux Klan …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Robert Sawyer (1880-1959)

    From 1917 to 1953, Robert Sawyer held sway from his desk as editor and publisher of the Bend Bulletin as the most important advocate for …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Robert Shortess (1797-1878)

    Robert Shortess, an early pioneer in Oregon, played a significant role in the acquisition of Oregon Territory, the formation of the Oregon state government, and …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Roswell Hawks Lamson (1838–1903)

    Roswell Hawks Lamson came of age during a transformative period in the mid-nineteenth century. An emigrant on the Oregon Trail when he was a boy, …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Rutherford B. Hayes's visit to Oregon, 1880

    In September and October 1880, Rutherford B. Hayes (1822-1893) became the first sitting United States president to visit Oregon. Four years earlier, Hayes had accepted …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Sagebrush Symphony

    The Sagebrush Symphony Orchestra of Harney County was a bright spot of musical education for rural children in southeastern Oregon in the years before World …

    Oregon Encyclopedia