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510 results
  • Oregon Nurses Association

    The Oregon Nurses Association (ONA) serves as a professional organization of registered nurses and as a collective bargaining agent for its members. ONA is part …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Oregon Posten

    The first issue of the weekly Oregon Posten (Oregon Post), the state’s largest Swedish newspaper, was published on December 2, 1908, with Fredrik …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Oregon Question

    “The Oregon boundary question,” historian Frederick Merk concluded, “was a diplomatic problem involving a kernel of reality and an enormous husk.” The eventual existence of …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Oregon State Capitol building of 1876

    For years after achieving statehood in 1859, Oregon was deprived of a proper capitol due to controversy over fixing the seat of government in Salem …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Oregon State University

    Oregon State University (OSU) traces its roots to 1856, when Corvallis Academy was founded as the first community school in the Corvallis area. In 1858, …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Oregon Sunstone

    Hold a nugget of Oregon sunstone in your palm, and you will understand why the 1987 Oregon legislature designated it as the official state gemstone. …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Oswald West State Park

    Shortly after Samuel Boardman became Oregon’s first director of state parks in 1929, he received a proposal for a park along the north coast. Helen …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Otto Richard Skopil Jr. (1919–2012)

    In the annals of Oregon jurisprudence history, Otto Richard Skopil Jr. was among the most revered and important federal judges to serve in the region. …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Owyhee River

    The Owyhee River, in the southeastern corner of Oregon, is a 280-mile-long tributary of the Snake River. It flows northward from its Nevada headwaters …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Pacific Fur Company

    The Pacific Fur Company, employee Alexander Ross wrote in 1849, was “an association which promised so much, and accomplished so little.” Historians have since agreed …

    Oregon Encyclopedia