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2087 results
  • Alfred Carlton Gilbert (1884-1961)

    A.C. Gilbert—the inventor of the Erector Set and other educational toys—was born on February 15, 1884, in Salem, Oregon. As a young boy, he was …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Alfred Qualman (1904-1993)

    For a man from Indiana, far from waterways, Alfred Qualman was an unlikely person to be a pioneer in Pacific oyster culture. Born in South …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Alfred T. Goodwin (1923–2022)

    Alfred Theodore “Ted” Goodwin served as a judge for over sixty years and is one of only two judges in the nation to have been …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Alice Day Pratt (1872-1963)

    Alice Day Pratt was forty years old in 1912 when she set out on her own to homestead on 160 acres in Crook County. After …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Alkali Lake Chemical Waste Disposal Site

    The Alkali Lake Chemical Waste Disposal site—located thirty-five miles east of Christmas Valley and sixty miles north of Lakeview—has contributed a controversial environmental and …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • All American Toy Company

    More than fifteen hundred lumber mills operated in Oregon in 1947, and logging trucks rumbled past Steinke’s Truck Repair in Salem all day long on …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Allan Hart Jr. (1909–2002)

    Allan Hart was a Portland attorney who was a leading specialist in energy law, particularly electrical power. As an early general counsel for the Bonneville …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Allann Bros Coffee

    In the new American coffee culture, Albany-based Allann Bros Coffee carved out a niche as a gourmet roaster. Founded in 1972, just a year …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Allen Say (1937-)

    Most of the books by artist and writer Allen Say are about his personal experiences, people in his family, and influences on his work. The …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Alonzo A. Skinner (1814-1877)

    Alonzo A. Skinner was the first judge in the Pacific Northwest, although he had no courtroom and no courthouse and the laws he enforced were …

    Oregon Encyclopedia