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2087 results
Alfred Carlton Gilbert (1884-1961)
A.C. Gilbert—the inventor of the Erector Set and other educational toys—was born on February 15, 1884, in Salem, Oregon. As a young boy, he was …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Alfred Qualman (1904-1993)
For a man from Indiana, far from waterways, Alfred Qualman was an unlikely person to be a pioneer in Pacific oyster culture.
Born in South …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Alfred T. Goodwin (1923–2022)
Alfred Theodore “Ted” Goodwin served as a judge for over sixty years and is one of only two judges in the nation to have been …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Alice Day Pratt (1872-1963)
Alice Day Pratt was forty years old in 1912 when she set out on her own to homestead on 160 acres in Crook County. After …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Alkali Lake Chemical Waste Disposal Site
The Alkali Lake Chemical Waste Disposal site—located thirty-five miles east of Christmas Valley and sixty miles north of Lakeview—has contributed a controversial environmental and …
Oregon Encyclopedia
All American Toy Company
More than fifteen hundred lumber mills operated in Oregon in 1947, and logging trucks rumbled past Steinke’s Truck Repair in Salem all day long on …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Allan Hart Jr. (1909–2002)
Allan Hart was a Portland attorney who was a leading specialist in energy law, particularly electrical power. As an early general counsel for the Bonneville …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Allann Bros Coffee
In the new American coffee culture, Albany-based Allann Bros Coffee carved out a niche as a gourmet roaster. Founded in 1972, just a year …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Allen Say (1937-)
Most of the books by artist and writer Allen Say are about his personal experiences, people in his family, and influences on his work. The …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Alonzo A. Skinner (1814-1877)
Alonzo A. Skinner was the first judge in the Pacific Northwest, although he had no courtroom and no courthouse and the laws he enforced were …
Oregon Encyclopedia