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2059 results
  • Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum

    The Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum and Captain Michael King Smith Educational Institute, near Highway 18 in McMinnville, opened as the Evergreen Aviation Museum …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Ewing Young (c. 1796–1841)

    Ewing Young was a Santa Fe trader, a Rocky Mountain man, a California livestock trader, and one of the first Americans to permanently live in …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Expulsion of Chinese from Oregon City, 1886

    On February 22, 1886, approximately forty men gathered in Oregon City at the McLoughlin House on South Main Street, then a lodging house known as …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • F. F. "Monte" Montgomery (1924–2016)

    F. F. “Monte” Montgomery served in the Oregon House from 1959 to 1969 and was the first Speaker to serve two terms since 1913. He …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Faraday Dam and Powerhouse

    The Faraday Powerhouse, located in Estacada on the Clackamas River, produces hydroelectricity to serve the greater Portland area and is the oldest such facility on …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Farmers' markets

    Oregon is home to about 120 farmers’ markets, a form of farm-direct marketing that is at once ancient and relatively new. For centuries, farmers have …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Federal Writers' Project in Oregon

    The Federal Writers' Project was one of five independent branches of the Works Progress Administration, established in the summer of 1935 by President Franklin Delano …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Fern Hobbs (1883-1964)

    In January 1914, thirty-year-old Fern Hobbs achieved international celebrity when Oregon Governor Oswald West sent her, along with several National Guardsmen, to tame the reputed …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Fernando (Basque trickster figure)

    Fernando is a trickster, the character in traditional Basque folk tales who disobeys normal behavioral rules, outsmarts a figure of authority (such as the priest), …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Fernleaf biscuitroot

    Native Americans were the first to recognize the substantial benefits of fernleaf biscuitroot (Lomatium dissectum var. dissectum), which thrives in open, rocky slopes …

    Oregon Encyclopedia