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2087 results
Alpenrose Dairy
For over a hundred years, Alpenrose Dairy in Portland has produced and distributed dairy products in the greater Portland area. The company has also provided …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Alpenrose Velodrome
The Alpenrose Velodrome is a single fixed-gear bicycle-racing track on the Alpenrose Dairy property in Beaverton. Constructed in 1967, it is one of two …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Alsea (Alcea)
Alsea is an unincorporated community of about two hundred residents in the Coast Range near the juncture of the North and South Forks of the …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Alsea River
The Alsea River originates in creeks flowing from the west side of Mary's Peak, the highest mountain in the Coast Range (elev. 4101 ft.), and …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Alsea Subagency of Siletz Reservation
In September 1856, Joel Palmer, the Superintendent of Indian Affairs for Oregon, established the Alsea Subagency on the Coast Reservation to manage Indians who …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Alvan Waller (1808-1872)
In most histories of Oregon, Alvan Waller appears most prominently as the Methodist missionary who did personal battle with John McLoughlin and the Hudson’s Bay …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Alvin M. Josephy Jr. (1915-2005)
Alvin Josephy was born in Woodmere, New York, in 1915, and died in his Greenwich, Connecticut, home on October 16, 2005. For over half of …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Alvord Desert
The Alvord Desert, east of the Pueblo Mountains and Steens Mountain and north of the towns of Andrews and Fields, is among the largest playa …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Until recently, the genus Alyssum in the Mustard family (Cruciferae or Brassicaceae) was not an important part of the Oregon flora. One species, …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Amanda Snyder (1894-1980)
Amanda Tester Snyder is known for her paintings of birds, clowns, dolls, still life, houses, and barns as well as for her abstract compositions. Her …
Oregon Encyclopedia