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237 results
  • Redmond

    Located about forty miles from the geographical center of Oregon, Redmond is a city in Oregon’s High Desert, near Smith Rock State Park and …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Reedsport

    In many ways, the story of Reedsport is a microcosm of the story of Oregon. Since the mid-1800s, the town has seen economic booms driven …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Roseburg

    Roseburg, the county seat of Douglas County, is located in the Hundred Valleys of the Umpqua, a region that enjoys a Mediterranean climate with rare …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Salmon

    The word “salmon” originally referred to Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), a species native to the North Atlantic rim and Arctic Ocean above Western …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Silas Bryant Smith (1839-1902)

    Silas Bryant Smith played a key role in recording the traditions, religions, and customs of the Clatsop people in nineteenth-century Oregon. A prominent historian of …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Tommy Thompson (1864?–1959)

    Tommy Kuni Thompson served as the headman of Wyam (an Ichiskiin Sinwit word that translates as "echo of falling water" in English), also called Celilo …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • William Cameron McKay (1824–1893)

    Dr. William Cameron McKay [mə kī´] lived his entire life on the lower and middle Columbia River, save for five years spent pursuing an …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Alonzo A. Skinner (1814-1877)

    Alonzo A. Skinner was the first judge in the Pacific Northwest, although he had no courtroom and no courthouse and the laws he enforced were …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Benjamin Alvord (1813-1884)

    An army officer, educator, writer, and naturalist, Benjamin Alvord was commander of the U.S. Army’s District of Oregon during the Civil War. His name is …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Bigfoot (Sasquatch) legend

    Bigfoot is a large and mysterious humanoid creature purported to inhabit the wild and forested areas of Oregon and the West Coast of North America. …

    Oregon Encyclopedia