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2083 results
Jack Elam (1920–2003)
Known as the quintessential villainous character Jack Elam lived in Ashland from 1987 until his death in 2003 at the age of eighty-two. His career …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Jack Eyerly (1935–2014)
From an early age, Jack Kenneth Eyerly was active in the Oregon arts community as an adviser, curator, artist, director, and facilitator. A uniting force …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Jack Ohman (1960-)
A widely syndicated political cartoonist, Jack Ohman has played an important role in influencing political thought in Oregon. He was on the editorial board of …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Jack Ramsay (1925–2014)
In the long history of the Portland Trail Blazers, dating to 1970, one team has risen to the top to claim the NBA championship—the …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Jack Ward Thomas (1934-2016)
A wildlife research biologist who focused on conservation during a career that spanned more than thirty years, Jack Ward Thomas specialized in wild turkeys, elk, …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Jacob Avshalomov (1919-2013)
Conductor and composer Jacob Avshalomov, leader of the Portland Youth Philharmonic Orchestra for forty-one years, was a singular influence in the lives of over four …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Jacob S. Conser (1818-1893)
In August 1933, state authorities unveiled a plaque at the dedication of a new Conde McCullough-designed bridge on State Highway 164, spanning the Santiam …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Jacob Tanzer (1935–2018)
Jake Tanzer was a legal giant who spent most of his legal career working in government, where he believed he could deal with interesting issues …
Oregon Encyclopedia
Jacqueline Schumacher (1920-2019)
Jacqueline Martin Schumacher, a ballerina and choreographer of ballet and musical theater, danced the Swan Queen in the first full-length Swan Lake in America. For …
Oregon Encyclopedia
James A. Redden (1929–2020)
James A. Redden served as a federal judge for Oregon from 1980 to 2011. His role in legal disputes and high-profile court cases over the …
Oregon Encyclopedia