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321 results
  • Alexander Phimister Proctor (1860-1950)

    Alexander Phimister Proctor, an American sculptor known for monumental bronzes of animals and human figures, placed six major works in Oregon private collections and public …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Arlene Schnitzer (1929–2020)

    Arlene Schnitzer was a patron of artists, a philanthropist, and the namesake of the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall in Portland. Her financial support and …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Brooten Kelp Ore

    From 1905 until the late 1940s, Brooten Baths was a major economic enterprise in an otherwise sparsely settled region of Tillamook County, drawing patients from …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Carl Hall (1921-1996)

    Carl Hall was a Salem artist known for his paintings of the Willamette Valley, the Oregon coast, the female nude, and imagery inspired by …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Carol Hewitt (1945–1993)

    Carol Hewitt was one of a small number of women who transformed the Oregon legal community during the 1970s and 1980s. Beginning her career as …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Chinese Americans in Oregon

    The Pioneer Period, 1850-1860 The Cantonese-Chinese were the first Chinese in Oregon. They immigrated to America primarily from the Pearl River Delta region in southeast …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Clyde Keller (1872-1962)

    Painter Clyde Keller, born in Salem on February 22, 1872, showed early signs of artistic talent. By age twelve, he was enrolled in a drawing …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Cornelia Marvin Pierce (1873-1957)

    From her first arrival in Oregon in 1905 until her death in 1957, Cornelia Marvin Pierce helped shape the state's social, educational, and political conditions …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Denzil Eugene “Denny” Jones (1910–2012)

    Denzil Eugene “Denny” Jones was a rural Oregon legislator of the late twentieth century who gained an enduring legacy in the state capitol. Part of …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Edith Starrett Green (1910-1987)

    Democrat Edith Starrett Green represented Oregon’s 3rd Congressional District from 1955 through 1974. During her twenty years in the U.S. House of Representatives, she gained …

    Oregon Encyclopedia