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2086 results
  • John Baptiste Horner (1856–1933)

    John Baptiste Horner was a faculty member at Oregon Agricultural College (now Oregon State University) from 1891 to 1933. While he taught several subjects, …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • John Beeson (1803-1889)

    John Beeson had been in Oregon only three years, but his outrage at the treatment of Native Americans by whites led him to become a …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • John Box Hoskins (1768–1824)

    John Box Hoskins served as a clerk on the Columbia Rediviva, captained by Robert Gray, during a voyage to the Pacific Northwest from 1790 …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • John B. Waldo (1844-1907)

    John Breckenridge Waldo was the first Oregon Supreme Court chief justice born in the state. He may be best known as an outdoorsman and proponent …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • John C. Boyle (1887-1979)

    John Boyle was vice president, general manager, and long-time chief engineer of the California Oregon Power Company (COPCO), a privately held utility that served southern …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • John C. Merriam (1869-1945)

    Born in Iowa in 1869, John C. Merriam was a geologist, zoologist, and premier taxonomist who trained under such luminaries as Joseph Le Conte and …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • John Colter (ca. 1775-1813)

    John Colter was a member of the Corps of Discovery, commanded by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. He was among the majority of the party …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • John Daniel (1948–)

    The winner of three Oregon Book Awards, John Daniel is the author of essays, memoirs, poems, and fiction. In his work on the significance of …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • John Day (1770?–1820)

    John Day was an American hunter who came to Oregon in 1812 as a straggler from the Pacific Fur Company’s overland expedition to Astoria. Little …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • John Day Fossil Beds Flora and Fauna and Climate Change

    The John Day fossil beds in north-central Oregon have one of the world’s most complete records of organisms fossilized during the Cenozoic Era (past 66 …

    Oregon Encyclopedia