Media Collection: Fort Vancouver 1
Early sketch of Fort Vancouver.
Courtesy Oreg. Hist. Soc. Research Library, OrHi73712
Fort Vancouver, c.1860.
From the Boundary Commission Survey, 1860-1861. Photo from the Royal Engineers Library in Kent, England. Courtesy Oreg. Hist. Soc. Research Library, Lot 556
Fort Vancouver, 1851.
An early sketch of the Catholic chapel, drawn by George Gibbs Courtesy Oreg. Hist. Soc. Research Library, OrHi4288
Fort Vancouver, 1855.
An early sketch of the fort by R. Covington Courtesy Oreg. Hist. Soc. Research Library, 13261
Fort Vancouver, 1833.
Courtesy Oreg. Hist. Soc. Research Library, 63123
Fort Vancouver, 1848.
Sketch by H.J. Warre Courtesy Oreg. Hist. Soc. Research Library, OrHi83437
Map of Fort Vancouver.
A National Park Service map of Fort Vancouver during the Hudson's Bay Co. period, 1824-1846. Courtesy National Park Service
Early photo of Fort Vancouver.
View of the northwest corner Courtesy Oreg. Hist. Soc. Research Library, OrHi5190
Fort Vancouver, 1854.
Courtesy Oreg. Hist. Soc. Research Library, CN008519
Fort Vancouver, panorama.
Courtesy Oreg. Hist. Soc. Research Library, 52295
Fort Vancouver, panorama.
Courtesy Oreg. Hist. Soc. Research Library, 52295