Media Collection: Japanese Americans in Oregon 6
Murakami honor roll, ONLC 00920.
John Murakami in France standing next to Second Battalion, 442nd Infantry, Honor Roll banner, 1944 or 1945. Courtesy of Oregon Nikkei Endowment, gift of Sumi Murakami, ONLC 00920
Nissei vets & Japanese officers at Rose City Cem, PDX, ONLC 00117.
Nissei veterans of World War II hosting Japanese military officers at the Rose City Cemetery, Portland. Courtesy of Oregon Nikkei Endowment, Gift of Dr. Tosh Kuge, ONLC 00117
Japanese American family near Nyssa during World War II.
Lib. of Cong. Prints & Photo Div. Farm Security Admin., Office of War Info. Photo Coll., LC-USF34- 073671-D
Japanese American workers hoeing beets on release from internment camps during World War II.
Oreg. State Univ. Archives, Extension and Experiment Sta. Comm., P120:2429
Japanese Americans dumping garbage at federal Farm Security Administration mobile camp near Nyssa, 1942..
Lib. of Congr., Prints & Photo Div., FSA-OWI Coll., LC-USF33- 013301-M1
Building named for Hachiya at Defense Language Institute.
Building named for Hachiya at Defense Language Institute Courtesy Defense Language Institute Foreign Lang. Archives