Media Collection: Vancouver Ave First Baptist Church
O.B. Williams holds a service at Burton Homes 1945.
Courtesy Oregon Hist. Society Research Lib., Coll 189, box1, f7
Vancouver Ave First Baptist Church Gospel Choir, benefit concert, 1950.
Courtesy Oregon Hist. Society Research Lib., Coll 189, box1, f8
Vancouver Ave First Baptist Church Deacon Board, 1960.
Courtesy Oregon Hist. Society Research Lib., Coll 189, box1, f10
Rev. O.B. Williams leads services at the Vancouver Ave. First Baptist, 1961.
Courtesy Oregon Hist. Society Research Lib., Coll 189, box1, f7
Vancouver Ave First Baptist Church Junior Choir, 1961.
Courtesy Oregon Hist. Society Research Lib., Coll 189, box1, f8
Members of the Vancouver Ave. First Baptist take part in the Christian Interracial Club in Portland, 1962..
COurtesy Oregon Hist. Society Research Lib., Coll 189, box1, f9
Rev. O.B. Williams and Sarah Ann Bates celebrate Mothers' Day, 1962.
Courtesy Oregon Hist. Society Research Lib., Coll 189, box1, f1
Vancouver Ave First Baptist Church picnic, 1964.
Courtesy Oregon Hist. Society Research Lib., Coll 189, box1, f12
Willa Ida and Rev. O.B. Williams meet with local and associate ministers, 1966.
Courtesy Oregon Hist. Society Research Lib., Coll 189, box1, f1
Program for the Annual Women's Day at Vancouver Ave First Baptist, 1990.
Courtesy Oregon Hist. Society Research Lib., Coll 189, box2, f2