"The Indefatigable [ship] reached the port of Astoria, Oregon, after a thousand difficulties in trying to pass the renowned bar of the Columbia. The colony of the missionaries were courteously received by the Governor of Astoria….Ascending the Willamette, the voyagers stopped at Oregon City, which at that time, contained not a habitation....Multitudes of mosquitoes obscured the light of day. From there they directed their bark towards the mission of St. Paul, for which our six Sisters left their country and their Mother House. They arrived August 17th." Sister Mary Catherine, July 31, 1844.
Entries for Biography
- George Abernethy (1807-1877)
- Sebastian C. Adams (1825-1898)
- George Atkinson (1819 - 1889)
- Margaret Jewett Smith Bailey (1812-1882)
- Adalbert G. Bettman (1883 - 1964)
- Francois Blanchet (1795-1883)
- Sherman Burgoyne (1901-1964)
- James Bushnell (1826–1912)
- Fr. Adrien Croquet (1818-1902)
- Elden Francis Curtiss (1932-)
- Madeline DeFrees (1919-2015)
- Modeste Demers (1809-1871)
- Obed Dickinson (1818–1892)
- Brian James Patrick Doyle (1956-2017)
- Daniel Drew (1843–1923)
- Eva Emery Dye (1855-1947)
- Thomas Lamb Eliot (1841-1936)
- Rabbi Yonah Geller (1920-2007)
- Caroline Gleason (1886-1962)
- Samuel Magnus Hill (1851-1921)
- Gustavus Hines (1809-1873)
- Wilhelm Keil (1812-1877)
- Ardyth Kennelly (1912–2005)
- Peter Kenoyer (c. 1835–1886) and Louis Kenoyer (1868–1937)
- Jason Lee (1803-1845)
- Reuben Nevius (1827-1913)
- Fr. Edwin O'Hara (1881-1956)
- Charles O. Porter (1919-2006)
- Simeon Reed (1830–1895)
- Eugene C. Sanderson (1859-1940)
- David Sohappy (1925–1991)
- Richard Steiner (1901–1975)
- Mary Stillwell (1862-1947)
- Billy Sunday (1862-1935)
- Lauren B. Sykes (1905-1980)
- Mary Szybist (1970–)
- Thomas J. Tobin (1897–1978)
- Alvan Waller (1808-1872)
- Elijah White (1806-1879)
- Marcus Whitman (1802–1847)
- Narcissa Whitman (1808-1847)
- James H. Wilbur (1811-1887)
- Lucia Wiley (1906-1998)
- Melville Wire (1877-1966)
- Jonah B. Wise (1881-1959)
- Stephen S. Wise (1874-1949)
- Paul S. Wright (1895-1994)
- Joseph Henry Wythe (1822-1901)
Entries for Event
- Cayuse Indian War (1847–1850)
- Great Reinforcement (1840)
- Jehovah's Witnesses Riots, 1942
- Lord's Acre Sale
- Pierce v. Society of Sisters (1925)
- Walla Walla Treaty Council 1855
- Whitman Murders
- William Byrd Festival
Entries for Group
- Am Olam
- Ancient Order of Hibernians (Portland Division)
- Edmund Creffield and the Brides of Christ Church
- Greek Community in Oregon
- Jews in Oregon
- Ku Klux Klan
- Molalla Peoples
- Posse Comitatus
- Rajneeshees
- Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
- Swedish Americans in Oregon
Entries for Institution
- Bushnell University
- Catholic Charities of Portland
- Chemawa Indian School
- Colegio César Chávez
- Concordia University
- Congregation Ahavath Achim
- Congregation Beth Israel
- Congregation Neveh Shalom
- Congregation Shaarie Torah
- Coos County Logging Museum
- Corban University
- Epworth United Methodist Church (Portland)
- First African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
- First Methodist Church (Portland)
- First Presbyterian Church (Portland)
- First Unitarian Church (Portland)
- Friendly House, Inc.
- George Fox University
- Hinson Memorial Baptist Church
- Indian Boarding Schools
- Loaves and Fishes
- Menucha Retreat and Conference Center
- Mittleman Jewish Community Center
- Mount Calvary Catholic Cemetery
- Neighborhood House
- North Palestine Baptist Church (Benton County)
- Pacific University
- Quakers in Oregon
- Salvation Army in Portland
- Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary
- St. John the Apostle Church
- St. Mary's Academy
- St. Paul Roman Catholic Church
- St. Stanislaus Roman Catholic Church (Kościół Sw. Stanisława)
- Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
- University of Portland
- Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church
- Warner Pacific College
- Western Seminary
Entries for Miscellany
Entries for Place
- Community of Airlie
- City of Antelope and Muddy Ranch
- Aurora
- Civilian Public Service Camp #56
- First Methodist Church (Salem)
- First United Methodist Church of Ashland
- The Grotto
- Jason Lee House
- Lee Mission Cemetery (Salem)
- Monmouth
- Mount Angel Abbey
- Mount Angel Abbey Library
- City of Mt. Angel
- Newberg
- The Old Church Concert Hall
- Old St. Peter's Landmark
- Philomath
- Community of Roy
- St. Paul
- St. Paul Cemetery
- Tashi Choling Center for Buddhist Studies
- Community of Verboort
- Wascopam Mission
- West Union Baptist Church (Washington County)
- Willamette Mission