"The herbalist had a lot of orders from outside Portland. They were all in bottles, I used to carry them to the post office. In the meantime, I also worked in a restaurant, mostly weekends, helping out the busboys, or cleaning up the floor in the evening. Twelve to fifteen hours a day, at one dollar a day. Later on, I got two routes delivering the Morning Oregonian newspaper. I had to get up at three o'clock in the morning." Sam Liu, from his Reed College (class of 1936) oral history.
Entries for Biography
- Eleanor Baldwin (1854-1928)
- Shinzaburo Ban (1854-1926)
- Edward Boyce (1862–1941)
- Thomas Joseph Burns (1876-1957)
- Robert Vernon Cook (1925–2008)
- Will Daly (1869-1924)
- Marie Equi (1872-1952)
- Irvin Henry Fletcher (1932-)
- George Edward Foreman (1949–) in Oregon
- Caroline Gleason (1886-1962)
- Edith Starrett Green (1910-1987)
- Andrew B. Hammond (1848-1934)
- William McClendon (1915-1996)
- Noreen Ann Kelly Saltveit McGraw (1932–2021)
- Francis J. Murnane (1914–1968)
- George Putnam (1872-1961)
- Julia Ruuttila (1907-1991)
- Clemens Starck (1937–2024)
- Richard Steiner (1901–1975)
- Daiichi Takeoka (1882–1954)
- Thomas J. Tobin (1897–1978)
- Millie R. Trumbull (1866-1940)
- Oswald D. West (1873-1960)
Entries for Biota
- Commercial Salmon Fishing in the Columbia River
- Cranberry Industry
- Flax and Linen Industry of Oregon
- Hop Industry
Entries for Event
- Conviction of Robert Folkes
- Expulsion of Chinese from Oregon City, 1886
- McCarthy Era (late 1940s-late 1950s)
- McClellan Committee
- Muller v. Oregon (1908)
- Toledo Incident of 1925
Entries for Group
- Associated Oregon Industries
- Chinese mining in Oregon
- Coin Machine Men
- Coxey's Army
- Gyppo Logging in Oregon
- Latinos in Oregon
- Native American Agricultural Labor
- Oregon Commonwealth Federation
- Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste (PCUN)
- Populism in Oregon
- Swedish Americans in Oregon
Entries for Institution
- Bracero Program
- Centro Cultural de Washington County
- Columbia River Fisherman's Protective Union
- Four Rivers Cultural Center and Museum
- Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
- Kaiser Shipyards
- Linnton Plywood Mill
- Oregon Industrial Welfare Commission
- The Portland Reporter
- Seufert Brothers Cannery
- Socialist Party of Oregon
- Thomas Kay Woolen Mill
- Valley Migrant League
- Willamette Industries
- Women's Land Army