Trade, Business, Industry, and the Economy
"There's always places to grow; there's never any end to growth. I suppose pioneers that came here couldn't sense where the country was going to grow to when they cut off the timber and got rid of the fish, but they still find new opportunities, don't they? We have Tektronix and those kind of companies that build industries here and give employment." Fred G. Meyer, oral history, 1970
Entries for Biography
- Leo Adler (1895-1993)
- Paul Allen (1953–2018)
- John Jacob Astor (1763-1848)
- Thomas J. Autzen (1888-1958)
- Seid Back (1851–1916)
- Shinzaburo Ban (1854-1926)
- James Beard (1903-1985)
- James William Beatty (1830–1914)
- Mark A. Bell (1825–1897)
- Simon Benson (1851-1942)
- Norman Best (1906-1995)
- Nancy Boggs Mullery (1833–1905)
- Edward Boyce (1862–1941)
- Gertrude Lamfrom Boyle (1924–2019)
- John C. Boyle (1887-1979)
- William Brown (1828?–1889)
- Asahel Bush (1824-1913)
- James Bushnell (1826–1912)
- Mary H. Carr (1823?–1911)
- John F. Carroll (1858-1917)
- Concomly (1765?-1830?)
- James Cook (1728-1779)
- Henry W. Corbett (1827-1903)
- Guy Cordon (1890-1969)
- Bernard Daly (1858–1920)
- Will Daly (1869-1924)
- John Day (1770?–1820)
- Marie Dorion (1790?–1850)
- James Douglas (1803-1877) in Oregon
- Otto Frederick "Fred" Eckhardt (1926–2015)
- Henry Failing (1834-1898)
- Josiah Failing, (1806-1877)
- Russel Farnham (1785-1832)
- George Flavel (1823[?]-1893)
- Irvin Henry Fletcher (1932-)
- Hallie Brown Ford (1905-2007)
- Abner Hunt "A. H." Francis (c. 1812–1872) and Isaac "I. B." Francis (1798-1856)
- Joseph T. (Ted) Francis (1900-1999)
- Gerald Wendel “Gerry” Frank (1923–2022)
- John William "Pete" French (1849-1897)
- Gilbert Gable (1886-1941)
- Joseph Gale (1807-1881)
- Alfred Carlton Gilbert (1884-1961)
- Caroline Gleason (1886-1962)
- Robert Gray (1755–1806)
- Woody Guthrie and the Columbia River
- Dorothy Hadley (1942–) and Hurtis Hadley (1942–)
- Andrew B. Hammond (1848-1934)
- DeVere (1902-1981) and Helen (1907-1989) Helfrich
- Francis J. Heney (1859-1937)
- Greg Higgins (1958-)
- William A. Hilliard (1927-2017)
- James J. Hill (1838-1916)
- George Himes (1844-1940)
- Hines and the Edward Hines Lumber Company
- Fern Hobbs (1883-1964)
- Orlando Humason (1828–1875)
- Robert Deniston Hume (1845-1908)
- Wilson Price Hunt (1783-1842)
- Glenn Jackson (1902-1980)
- John Jaqua (1920–2009)
- Ben Johnson (1834–1901)
- William Johnson (1784-1848)
- Ira Keller (1899-1978)
- Peter Kerr (1861-1957)
- Richard L. Kohnstamm (1926-2006)
- William S. Ladd (1826-1893)
- Fred Lockley (1871-1958)
- Reub Long (1898-1974)
- Daniel Lownsdale (1803–1862)
- Lung On (1863-1940)
- Ernest Boyd "E. B." MacNaughton (1880–1960)
- David T. Mason (1883-1973)
- Stephen Rogers McCarthy (1943–2023)
- Thomas McKay (1797-1849/1850?)
- William Cameron McKay (1824–1893)
- John McLoughlin (1784-1857)
- Joseph L. Meek (1810–1875)
- Fred G. Meyer (1886–1978)
- John Minto (1822-1915)
- Thomas Leander Moorhouse (1850-1926)
- Katherine Sterrett Munra (Grandma Munra) (1831-1923)
- Paul C. Murphy (1876-1957)
- Rose Garbow Naftalin (1898–1998)
- William Sumio Naito (1925-1996)
- Peter Skene Ogden (1790-1854)
- Lafayette Pence (1857-1923)
- Walter Perry (1873-1959)
- Francis Pettygrove (1812-1887)
- Georgiana Burton Pittock (1845–1918)
- Henry Lewis Pittock (1836-1919)
- Eugene Debs "Debbs" Potts (1909–2003)
- Stephen Puter (1857-1931)
- Alfred Qualman (1904-1993)
- William Henry Rector (1806-1890)
- Simeon Reed (1830–1895)
- Samuel Rothchild (1843-1930)
- Julia Ruuttila (1907-1991)
- Les Schwab (1917 - 2007)
- Ben Selling (1852-1931)
- Jesse Settlemier (1840-1913)
- Jane Sherar (1848-1907) and Joseph Sherar (1833-1908)
- John Shively (1804-1893)
- George Simpson (1786?-1860)
- Louis J. Simpson (1877-1949)
- William B. Smullin (1907-1995)
- Benjamin Stark (1820-1898)
- Robert Stuart (1785-1848)
- Thomas W. Sullivan (1863-1940)
- Daiichi Takeoka (1882–1954)
- Mary Cachot Therkelsen (1875-1937)
- Henry Thiele (1882-1952)
- David Thompson (1770-1857)
- Robert L. Thompson and TVA Architects
- Tommy Thompson (1864?–1959)
- Elbridge Trask (1815-1863)
- Millie R. Trumbull (1866-1940)
- William Green T'Vault (1809-1869)
- Henry Villard (1835-1900)
- William Gale "Will" Vinton (1947–2018)
- James W. Virtue (1837-1903)
- Howard Vollum (1913–1986)
- Leonard Wallulis (1902-1977)
- C. B. Watson (1849-1930)
- Joseph Watt (1817 - 1890)
- E. Henry Wemme (1861-1914)
- Richard L. Wendt (1931-2010)
- Victor Charles West (1921-2002)
- Byron A. White (1893 - 1963)
- C.E.S. Wood (1852-1944)
Entries for Biota
- Alyssum
- Beaver
- Blueberries and Huckleberries
- Commercial Salmon Fishing in the Columbia River
- Conifers
- Cranberry Industry
- Douglas-fir
- Engelmann Spruce
- Flax and Linen Industry of Oregon
- Gillnet fishing
- Grass seed industry
- Hazelnuts
- Hop Industry
- Maraschino Cherries
- Marionberry
- Myrtlewood
- Native American Tobacco Use and Cultivation in Western North America
- Northern Spotted Owl
- Oregon Forests and Climate Change
- Pacific yew
- Pears and the pear industry
- Salmon
- Sitka spruce
- Sugar pine
- Wheat Farming in Oregon
Entries for Event
- Albany Timber Carnival
- Astor Expedition (1810-1813)
- Beeswax shipwreck
- Climate Change in Oregon
- Donkey engine
- Expulsion of Chinese from Oregon City, 1886
- The FisherPoets Gathering
- Fur Trade in Oregon Country
- Harney County Fair, Rodeo, and Race Meet
- Lewis and Clark Exposition
- Mt. Angel Oktoberfest
- Muller v. Oregon (1908)
- New Carissa trials
- Northwest Power Act (1980)
- Oregon and California Lands Act
- Roseburg Blast
- Shipwrecks in Oregon
- The Wreck of the Glenesslin (ship)
- Tillamook Burn
- Toledo Incident of 1925
- Turkey Rama
- West coast waterfront strike of 1934
- Yaquina Bay Oyster War
Entries for Group
- Anti-Nuclear Movement
- Associated Oregon Industries
- Bonus Army
- Chinese mining in Oregon
- Coin Machine Men
- Columbia River Bar Pilots
- Coxey's Army
- Greek Community in Oregon
- Gyppo Logging in Oregon
- Hawaiians in the Oregon Country
- Japanese Americans in Oregon
- Jews in Oregon
- Latinos in Oregon
- Molalla Peoples
- Native American Loggers in Oregon
- Royal Rosarians
- Spruce Production Division
- Swedish Americans in Oregon
- Urban Indians in Oregon
- Voyageurs
Entries for Institution
- A-dec (Austin Dental Equipment Co.)
- AJ Model Airplanes & Jim Walker
- Albany streetcar system
- Albers Brothers Milling Company
- All American Toy Company
- Allann Bros Coffee
- Alpenrose Dairy
- Anzen
- Arlington Club
- Astoria and Columbia River Railroad
- Astoria streetcar system
- Baker City streetcar system
- Basque boardinghouses in Oregon
- Binfords and Mort
- Blackstone Audio, Inc.
- Bonneville Power Administration
- Book Publishing
- Bracero Program
- Brewing industry in Oregon
- Brooten Kelp Ore
- Carson Helicopters
- C.A. Smith Lumber Company
- CH2M Hill
- Cherry Grove streetcar and railroad
- Chinook Jargon (Chinuk Wawa)
- Clackamas Hydroelectric Project
- Collier Logging Museum and State Park
- Columbia River Fisherman's Protective Union
- Columbia River Packers Association
- Columbia River Quarantine Station
- Columbia River Treaty (1964)
- Corvallis and Eastern Railroad
- Corvallis streetcar system
- Country Coach
- Crooked River Project
- Crown/Centennial Mills
- Dan and Louis Oyster Bar
- Dark Horse Comics
- Davidson Baking Company (Sunbeam Bakery)
- Dutch Bros. Coffee Company
- Electro Scientific Industries
- Entek International
- Erickson Air-Crane
- Erickson's Saloon
- Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB)
- Evans Products Company
- Full Sail Brewing Company
- Gardenburger Inc.
- Harry & David/Bear Creek Orchards
- Hood River Distillers
- Housing Authority of Portland
- Hoyt Hotel
- Huber’s Café
- Hudson's Bay Company
- Hull-Oakes Lumber Company and mill
- Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
- Intel
- Jantzen
- Jazz de Opus
- Kaiser Permanente in Oregon
- Kaiser Shipyards
- Kam Wah Chung and Co.
- Thomas Lister Kay (1838-1900)
- Kettle Foods, Inc.
- Klamath Falls streetcar system
- Ladd Estate Company
- Last Blockbuster Video Store in the U.S.
- Linnton Plywood Mill
- Lithia Motors
- Lord & Schryver Landscape Architects
- M & A Shogren
- McMenamins
- Monaco Motor Coach
- Montgomery Ward/Park Building
- Myrtlewood Industry
- North West Company
- Oregon-American Lumber Company
- Oregon and the Film Industry
- Oregon Electric Railway
- Oregon Industrial Welfare Commission
- Oregon Institute of Technology (Oregon Tech)
- Oregon Iron & Steel Company
- Oregon Railway & Navigation Company
- Oregon Steam Navigation Company
- Oregon Zoo
- Ota Tofu
- Pacific Fur Company
- Pacific Northwest–Southwest Intertie
- Pacific Stoneware
- Pendleton Woolen Mills
- Pixieland
- Portland International Airport
- Portland Professional Wrestling
- Portland Public Market
- Portland Railway Light and Power
- Port of Hood River
- Port of Portland
- Port of Toledo
- Rast Brewery
- Raven Maps
- Reser's Fine Foods
- Rogue Creamery
- Roseburg Forest Products
- Salem Brewery Association
- Seufert Brothers Cannery
- Shari’s Café & Pies
- Springfield Creamery
- Star Theater
- Stripping in Oregon
- Tektronix Inc
- Thomas Kay Woolen Mill
- Tillamook Cheese
- Timber Industry
- Trojan Nuclear Power Plant
- Troutdale Aluminum Plant
- Tucker Sno-Cat®
- Union Fishermen's Cooperative Packing Company
- United Bicycle Institute
- Urban Growth Boundary
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Voodoo Doughnut
- Walla Walla Valley Railway
- Walterville Canal & Powerhouse
- Western Shore (a.k.a. Oregon Clipper)
- West Linn streetcar system
- Whidden and Lewis, architects
- White Stag Manufacturing
- Willamette Cattle Company
- Willamette Falls Paper Mills (West Side)
- Willamette Industries
- X-Ray Cafe
Entries for Miscellany
- Bailey Gatzert
- Beaver gold coins
- Bowpickers
- Climate Change and the History of Energy in Oregon
- Crisis in the Klamath Basin (documentary film)
- Czarina
- One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (film)
- Oregon Question
- Phillips screw and driver
- Pollution in Paradise (documentary film)
- Pronto Pups
- Santo Cristo de Burgos
- Seine Fishing
- Shanghaiing in Portland and the Shanghai Tunnels Myth
- Socialism in Oregon
- S.S. Star of Oregon
- Tater Tots and Ore-Ida Foods, Co.
- Tonquin (ship)
Entries for Place
- Albany
- Alderman Farms
- Alsea (Alcea)
- Alvord Desert
- Applegate River
- Arlington
- Ashland
- Baker City
- Baker City Chinatown
- Baldwin Hotel
- Community of Bates
- Bayocean
- Black Butte Ranch
- Community of Blue River
- The Bomber Restaurant and Catering
- Bonneville Dam
- Brick House Beautiful
- Butte Falls
- Camp White
- Cascade Mountain Range in Oregon
- Cast iron buildings in Portland
- Celilo Falls
- Central Point
- Chiloquin
- Chromite mining
- Clackamas Wilderness
- Columbia River
- Company Towns
- Condon
- Coos Bay
- Copperfield
- Coquille
- Corvallis
- Community of Dee
- City of Detroit
- Detroit Dam
- Community of Dora
- Eldorado Ditch
- Estacada
- Eugene
- Faraday Dam and Powerhouse
- Forest Grove
- Forest Park
- Fort George (Fort Astoria)
- Fort Umpqua (HBC fort, 1836-1853)
- Fort Vancouver
- Frenchglen Hotel
- Ghost Towns of the Illinois River Valley
- Gilchrist
- Gold Beach
- Golden West Hotel
- City of Gold Hill
- Gold Ray Dam
- Grass Valley
- Great Light Way (3rd St., Portland)
- Guild's Lake
- Hanley Farm
- Hay Creek Ranch
- Hayden Island
- Heppner
- Hermiston
- Hillsboro
- Historic Prineville Roads (1870s–1930s)
- H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest
- Japantown, Portland (Nihonmachi)
- John Day River (north-central Oregon)
- Jordan Valley
- Kinzua (town)
- Klamath River
- Laidlaw/Tumalo
- Lake Oswego
- Lakeport
- Lakeview
- Lebanon (city)
- Linkville and the Moore Family
- Long Creek (town)
- Lower Klamath Lake
- Madras
- Maxville
- McMinnville
- Medford
- Mill City
- Milwaukie
- Minam River
- Mt. Ashland Ski Area
- Mulino
- Newberg
- City of North Bend
- North Fork Dam and Powerhouse
- North Fork Fish Ladder
- O'Kane Building
- Oregon City
- Orenco
- Oswego Iron Furnace
- Peter French Round Barn
- Point Adams
- Portland Hotel
- Prineville
- Rainier
- Reedsport
- Rogue River
- Roseburg
- City of Salem
- Sandy River
- Santiam Wagon Road
- Scappoose
- Shaniko
- Silicon Forest
- Siskiyou Mountains in Oregon
- Sisters Rocks and Frankport
- Sitkum and Brewster Valley
- South Fork John Day River
- Sparta ditch
- Steens Mountain
- St. Helens
- Swan Island
- The Dalles
- The Dalles Dam
- Thompson's Mills
- Three Lynx Village
- Tillamook
- Tumalo Irrigation District
- Two Dragon mining camp
- Umpqua River
- Vanport
- Vernonia
- Wallace House (trading post)
- Wasco
- Willamette National Forest
- Willamette River
- Willamette Valley
- Willamina (city)