Environment and Natural Resources
"One must not be nervous in Oregon, especially in the woods. It is not uncommon to see wolves and mountain lions in broad daylight; as to snakes, we meet them often, even in the vegetable garden among the melons and cucumbers....We kill snakes and chase wild cattle as you would brush aside a fly. Only this morning we had to drive out eight wild horses that had entered the enclosure." Sister Mary Aloysia, St. Paul, Oregon, 1845
Entries for Biography
- Robert Adams (1937-)
- Elmer Ivan Applegate (1867-1949)
- Chester H. Armstrong (1892-1973)
- John Jacob Astor (1763-1848)
- Les AuCoin (1942-)
- Dominique Bachelet (1957–)
- Florence Merriam Bailey (1863-1948)
- Vernon Bailey (1864-1942)
- Charles Bendire (1836–1897)
- Simon Benson (1851-1942)
- Cyrus Bingham (1870-1937)
- Samuel H. Boardman (1874-1953)
- John C. Boyle (1887-1979)
- Frederick William Cleator (1883–1957)
- Robin Cody (1943-)
- John Colter (ca. 1775-1813)
- Guy Cordon (1890-1969)
- Percy A. Cupper (1882-1943)
- William Cusick (1842-1922)
- John Daniel (1948–)
- L. B. Day (1932-1986)
- John Richard Dellenback (1918–2002)
- Dan Deuel (1946-2006)
- William O. Douglas (1898-1980)
- David James Duncan (1952-)
- Douglas Ralph Emlong (1942–1980)
- William L. Finley (1876–1953)
- Jerry F. Franklin (1936-)
- Elizabeth Furse (1936–2021)
- Ralph Gifford (1894–1947)
- Helen Gilkey (1886-1972)
- Zane Grey (1872–1939)
- Henry Haefner (1884-1978)
- Carl Hall (1921-1996)
- Paul Hanneman (1936–2017)
- Childe Hassam (1859 - 1935)
- Louis F. Henderson (1853-1942)
- Greg Higgins (1958-)
- Bonnie Hill (1945–2019)
- James J. Hill (1838-1916)
- Hines and the Edward Hines Lumber Company
- Judson Dean "Judd" Howard (1878?-1961)
- Thomas Howell (1842-1912)
- Robert Deniston Hume (1845-1908)
- Glenn Jackson (1902-1980)
- John Jeffrey (1828-?)
- Gertrude Jensen (1903-1986)
- Peter Kerr (1861-1957)
- Arthur Robinson Kirkham (1897–1981)
- Winona LaDuke (1959-)
- William A. Langille (1868-1956)
- Lilla Leach (1886-1980)
- Craig Lesley (1945-)
- Reub Long (1898-1974)
- Jane Ann Lubchenco (1947–)
- Etienne Lucier (1793-1853)
- Hector Macpherson (1918-2015)
- David T. Mason (1883-1973)
- Georgia Mason (1910-2007)
- Oliver Matthews (1892-1979)
- Thomas William Lawson McCall (1913-1983)
- Stephen Rogers McCarthy (1943–2023)
- Michael McCloskey (1934-)
- James Douglas McKay (1893-1959)
- John C. Merriam (1869-1945)
- William Bernard Milbury (1872-1916)
- John Minto (1822-1915)
- Daniela Naomi Molnar (1979–)
- Thomas Leander Moorhouse (1850-1926)
- Wayne Morse (1900-1974)
- John Muir in Oregon
- Thornton Munger (1883-1975)
- Richard Neuberger (1912-1960)
- Thomas Nuttall (1786-1859)
- Peter Skene Ogden (1790-1854)
- Karl Onthank (1890-1967)
- George W. Peavy (1869-1951)
- Morton Peck (1871-1959)
- Walter Perry (1873-1959)
- Alfred Qualman (1904-1993)
- James A. Redden (1929–2020)
- Alexander Ross (1782-1856)
- Nancy Neighbor Russell (1932–2008)
- Russell Sadler (1942-)
- Robert Sawyer (1880-1959)
- J. Edward Schroeder (1914–2010)
- Isaac W. Smith (1826-1897)
- Roland Smith (1951–)
- Gary Snyder (1930-)
- David Sohappy (1925–1991)
- William Gladstone Steel (1854–1934)
- Robert Straub (1920-2002)
- Albert Sweetser (1861-1940)
- David G. Talbot (1933-)
- Jack Ward Thomas (1934-2016)
- David Thompson (1770-1857)
- Tommy Thompson (1864?–1959)
- Socrates Tryon (1816-1855)
- William M. Tugman (1893-1961)
- James W. Virtue (1837-1903)
- John B. Waldo (1844-1907)
- Leonard Wallulis (1902-1977)
- Warren Morton Washington (1936–2024)
- C. B. Watson (1849-1930)
- Oswald D. West (1873-1960)
- Opal Whiteley (1897-1992)
- Elizabeth Woody (1959-)
- John Yeon (1910–1994)
Entries for Biota
- Alyssum
- Appaloosa horse breed
- Humongous Fungus
- Assisted Plant Migration
- Beaver
- Camas
- Chanterelle Mushrooms
- Columbia Slough Orca (1931)
- Commercial Salmon Fishing in the Columbia River
- Conifers
- Cranberry Industry
- Dogbane (hemp)
- Douglas-fir
- Endangered Klamath suckers
- Engelmann Spruce
- Fernleaf biscuitroot
- Flax and Linen Industry of Oregon
- Gillnet fishing
- Grass seed industry
- Harmful Algae Blooms in Oregon
- Heritage Trees of Portland
- Herman the Sturgeon
- Hiroshima Peace Trees
- Hop Industry
- Incense-cedar
- June Hogs (salmon)
- Juniper
- Keiko
- Klamath midge
- Lodgepole pine
- Marbled Murrelet
- Marionberry
- Matsutake (mushroom)
- Meadow knapweed
- Myrtlewood
- Noble fir
- Northern Spotted Owl
- Nutria
- OR4 (wolf)
- Oregon Chub
- Oregon Forests and Climate Change
- Oregon Grape
- Oregon Junco
- Oregon Sunstone
- Oregon white oak
- Pacific madrone
- Pacific yew
- Pika
- Pine nuts
- Ponderosa pine
- Port Orford Cedar
- Rattlesnakes in Oregon
- Rough-skinned newt
- Salal
- Salmon
- Sea Otter
- Sea Serpent Lore
- Shasta red fir
- Sherman Big Bluegrass
- Sitka spruce
- Skunk Cabbage
- Sugar pine
- Tules
- Western hemlock
- Western larch
- Western Meadowlark
- Western red cedar
- Whitebark pine
- Wild horses in Oregon
Entries for Event
- Beverage Container Act (Bottle Bill)
- Biscuit Fire of 2002
- Climate Change in Oregon
- Columbus Day Storm (1962)
- Donkey engine
- Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Florence Whale Explosion
- Forest Fires of 1910
- Fort Klamath to Crater Lake Ski Race, 1927-1938
- Fur Trade in Oregon Country
- Heppner flood of 1903
- Mitchell Act (1938)
- National Reclamation Act (1902)
- Native American Treaties, Northeastern Oregon
- New Carissa
- New Carissa trials
- Northwest Power Act (1980)
- Operation Red Hat
- Oregon and California Lands Act
- Oregon Beach Bill
- Oregon Bicycle Bill
- Oxbow Ridge Fire of 1966
- The 2021 Pacific Northwest Heatwave (Heat Dome)
- Senate Bill 10
- Senate Bill 100
- The Blob: Impacts of the 2013-2016 Marine Heatwave on Oregon
- Tillamook Burn
- National Wild and Scenic Rivers in Oregon
- Willamette River flood of 1894
- Willamette River flood of 1964
- Willamette River flood of 1996
- Yaquina Bay Oyster War
Entries for Group
- 1000 Friends of Oregon
- Anti-Nuclear Movement
- Applegate Partnership & Watershed Council
- Athapaskan Indians
- Celilo Fish Committee (1935 - 1957)
- Columbia River Bar Pilots
- Geocaching
- Gyppo Logging in Oregon
- Mazamas
- Native American Loggers in Oregon
- Spruce Production Division
Entries for Institution
- Aerial Forest-Fire Patrol Program in Oregon, 1919–1927
- Bonneville Power Administration
- Brooten Kelp Ore
- C.A. Smith Lumber Company
- CH2M Hill
- Clackamas Hydroelectric Project
- Lan Su Chinese Garden
- Collier Logging Museum and State Park
- Columbia Region Association of Governments (CRAG)
- Columbia River Fisherman's Protective Union
- Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
- Columbia River Packers Association
- Columbia River Treaty (1964)
- Crooked River Project
- Dan and Louis Oyster Bar
- Department of Environmental Quality
- Deschutes Land Trust
- Energy Trust of Oregon
- Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB)
- Evans Products Company
- Farmers' markets
- Harry & David/Bear Creek Orchards
- Hatfield Marine Science Center and Visitor Center
- High Desert Museum
- Hudson's Bay Company
- Hull-Oakes Lumber Company and mill
- Hutson Museum
- Izaak Walton League in Oregon
- Jantzen
- Kettle Foods, Inc.
- Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC)
- Lewis and Clark National Historical Park
- Linnton Plywood Mill
- Lord & Schryver Landscape Architects
- Myrtlewood Industry
- Olmsted Portland Park Plan
- Oregon-American Lumber Company
- Oregon Climate Change Research Institute
- Oregon Global Warming Commission
- Oregon Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program
- Oregon Zoo
- Pacific Fur Company
- Pacific Northwest–Southwest Intertie
- Rogue Basin Coordinating Council
- Roseburg Forest Products
- Seufert Brothers Cannery
- The Siskiyou Regional Education Project
- Springfield Creamery
- Tillamook Forest Center
- Timber Industry
- Trojan Nuclear Power Plant
- Troutdale Aluminum Plant
- Tualatin Riverkeepers
- Union Fishermen's Cooperative Packing Company
- University of Oregon Museum of Natural and Cultural History
- Urban Growth Boundary
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- U.S. Bureau of Land Management
- U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Forensics Lab
- U.S. General Land Office in Oregon, ca. 1850-1946
- Walterville Canal & Powerhouse
- Willamette Industries
Entries for Miscellany
- Bigfoot (Sasquatch) legend
- Bowpickers
- Climate Change and the History of Energy in Oregon
- Crisis in the Klamath Basin (documentary film)
- Droughts in Oregon
- Hood River Irrigation
- Indian Use of Fire in Early Oregon
- Juliana v. United States
- Land Use Planning
- Oregon Natural Resources Council v. John R. Block
- Pleistocene Pluvial Lakes
- Pollution in Paradise (documentary film)
- Redlining and Climate-Related Heat
- Reuse and Restore Movement in Portland
- Seine Fishing
Entries for Place
- Ah Hee Diggings (Chinese Walls)
- Albany
- Alkali Lake Chemical Waste Disposal Site
- Alsea (Alcea)
- Alsea River
- Alvord Desert
- Ambleside Summer Homes Tract
- Amelia City
- Applegate River
- Ashland
- Auburn
- Bagby Hot Springs
- Baker City
- Community of Bates
- Bates State Park
- Bear Creek Valley
- Beaver Army Terminal Dock
- Beeson-Robison Ditch
- Big Summit Prairie
- Black Butte Ranch
- Blue Mountains
- Community of Blue River
- Boardman
- Bonneville Dam
- Breitenbush Hot Springs
- Bridge of the Gods
- Brookings
- Burns
- Butte Falls
- Camp Polk and Camp Polk Meadow Preserve
- Cape Blanco
- Cape Lookout
- Cape Perpetua
- Cascade Locks
- Cascade Mountain Range in Oregon
- Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument
- Catlow Valley
- Celilo Falls
- Chiloquin
- Christmas Valley Air Force Station
- Chromite mining
- Civilian Conservation Corps in Coos County
- Clackamas Wilderness
- Coalcas Pillar
- Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area
- Columbia River
- Columbia River Gorge
- Coos Bay
- Coquille
- Crack in the Ground
- Crater Lake National Park
- Crooked River
- DeMoss Springs Park
- Detroit Dam
- Diamond Craters
- Diamond Lake
- Donner und Blitzen River
- Community of Dora
- Echo
- Ecola State Park
- Eight Dollar Mountain
- Eldorado Ditch
- Estacada
- Faraday Dam and Powerhouse
- Forest Park
- Forest Service Radio Lab
- Fossil Lake
- French Prairie
- Gearhart
- Gilchrist
- Glaciers in Oregon
- Gold Ray Dam
- Grants Pass
- Greenhorn Mountains
- Guild's Lake
- Hart Mountain Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Camp
- Hayden Island
- Hells Canyon
- Henry Hagg Lake
- Hermiston
- H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest
- Illinois Valley Soil & Water Conservation District
- John Day Fossil Beds National Monument
- John Day Fossil Beds Flora and Fauna and Climate Change
- John Day River (north-central Oregon)
- Johnson Creek
- Jordan Craters
- Joseph (town)
- Kalmiopsis Wilderness
- Kelly Butte Civil Defense Center and Kelly Butte Natural Area
- Kinzua (town)
- Klamath Falls (city)
- Klamath River
- Lake Oswego
- Linkville and the Moore Family
- Lithia Park
- Long Creek (town)
- Lorane (town)
- Lower Klamath Lake
- Macleay Park
- Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
- Malin
- McKenzie River
- Metolius River
- Mill City
- Minam River
- Mount Thielsen
- Mount Ashland
- Mt. Ashland Ski Area
- Mount Hood
- Mount Hood Freeway
- Mount Mazama
- Mount McLoughlin
- Mount Tabor Park
- National Forests in Oregon, 1892 to 1933
- Neahkahnie Mountain
- Nehalem Bay State Park
- Newberry National Volcanic Monument
- City of North Bend
- North Fork Fish Ladder
- North Fork John Day River
- Oaks Bottom
- Oregon Caves National Monument
- Oregon Dunes
- Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area
- Oregon Trail
- Oswald West State Park
- Oswego Iron Furnace
- Our Mountain
- Owyhee Canyonlands
- Paisley Caves
- Peavy Arboretum
- Pilot Rock (geologic feature)
- Pine Mountain Observatory
- Point Adams
- Portland Japanese Garden
- Portland Open Space Sequence (Lovejoy Plaza, Pettygrove Park, Ira Keller Fountain)
- Portland Park Blocks
- Port Orford Meteorite Hoax
- Reedsport
- Rogue River
- Rogue River National Forest
- Roseburg
- Salmon-Huckleberry Wilderness
- Samuel H. Boardman State Park
- Sandy River
- Sea Lion Caves
- Seneca
- Sheridan
- Silver Falls State Park
- Siskiyou Mountains in Oregon
- Siskiyou National Forest
- Sisters Rocks and Frankport
- Sitkum and Brewster Valley
- Smith Rock State Park
- Snake River
- South Fork John Day River
- South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve
- Spirit Mountain
- Starkey Experimental Forest and Range
- Starvation Creek
- Steens Mountain
- Strawberry Mountains
- Table Rocks
- The Dalles
- Three Arch Rocks National Wildlife Refuge and Wilderness
- Three Sisters Wilderness
- Tillamook Rock Lighthouse
- Tryon State Park
- Tumalo Irrigation District
- Two Dragon mining camp
- Umatilla Army Depot
- Umatilla River
- Umpqua River
- Union Peak and Union Creek
- Vanport
- Vernonia
- Waldo (city)
- Waldo Lake
- Walla Walla Basin
- Wapato Lake National Refuge
- Wasco
- Wenaha River
- Whale Cove
- Willamette Falls
- Willamette National Forest
- Willamette River
- Willamette Stone and Willamette Meridian
- Willamette Valley
- Willamina (city)
- Winship Settlement